1.71% interest and other Charter Bank Saving Pots no longer available?

Click through the “earn interest” flow. They’re still there for me.

It says that on the screen you posted the screenshot of (mine says the same as yours) but when you actually click on it you can see the 1.5% ones :slight_smile:

i just get the create a pot flow, no interest options

Me too!

I wonder if it is TestFlight/iOS related?

reinstall didnt work

Not for me, clearly. I’m on the TF build

so am i

iOS or Android? :thinking:


Hmm… very odd indeed!

what ios version? i’m on 12.4.1


right… i was kind of hoping you wouldnt say that :joy:

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I get there from here:

Doh! Now I feel like an idiot :rofl:

The interest rate used to be displayed though

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Yeah, I was sure it was too. I think that is what’s confused me.

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same here

At least we’ve got to the bottom of it :sweat_smile:

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Paragon 1.15% is now in app :eyes:

Was it not always? It was the charter one that disappeared