Your Year in Monzo 2020 is ready for you

Whoops! Gotta stop going to those strip clubs.


Withdraw from ATM, tap the transaction, set category to ‘eating out’.

Then (if you’re me) forget you did that and two years later, withdraw £10 from an ATM in November for a leaving kitty, and wonder today where on earth you ate out.

Time to go back in to Monzo and adjust the category on that withdrawal. Wonder if it’ll also update my year in Monzo (if pulling live data), or if it’ll stay the same (if static once generated).

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Plenty of film festivals adapted to online ‘screenings’ last year. Some let you watch the films for free (so I saw a bunch of Taiwanese films, and a few Chinese films), others you had to pay to rent the films, and some were a mixture of the two (annoying when you realise all the interesting ones had to be paid for and it was mostly just shorts that were free).

Curious to see if the same thing happens this year.

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Pretty pointless. A film maker is better off going to the likes of Amazon or Netflix who already have this up and running for an easy pay out.

I believe its static


If it wasn’t, you can catch me changing all my categories just so it says I haven’t spent any of takeaway food! :rofl:

I would like 2 unicorns please, 18 buckets of pink glitter, 5 zebra onsies, one for each family member and pet, and a huge gin glass. :eyes:


My year in Monzo basically said you spent in just two places

Pizza hut online
Hobby Craft

The two places that don’t take Amex. :joy:

Edit: and weirdly once in Morrisons and that well known lz *nbf where all the hipsters go.

you can search by category in the main search and it tells you total spend at the bottom, I think it is all time though.

The most startling sign of the pandemic in mine


I’d really like this to form the basis of ongoing in-app analytics. It’d be good to really drill down into the data, too.

I read that as Starling, then went “hmm, purple and teal are their colours”.

Must get out more. (oh)


Excellent feature monzo . Still a happy member of the forum and bank for 3 years now


This. I love this stuff. And the presentation and engagement here is superbly done. Apply some of this magic to summary please Monzo!


That’s the thing though, I definitely do not have enough general transactions marked as general to correspond to this. I guess the only thing might be if it doesn’t ignore payments that have been marked to ignore in the summary view. Either way the end result isn’t as insightful as it could/should be.

You probably have more than you think. By default they are set to general are they not?

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If nothing else, hopefully next year’s includes connected accounts for Plus and Premium folk. :crossed_fingers:


The only thing that would explain it is if the division is by volume of transactions, rather than value. If that’s the case then as round ups count as general, it’s always going to be at least half as every other transaction in turn created a general one.

Doing it that way again makes it less insightful, as all that does is confirm that I had roundups on, rather than where outgoing payments went to etc.

Wait, what. Monzo survives another year. You’d think from some forum posts today they’re going under :rofl:


Of course you can’t.

Monzo really messed up when it hurriedly cobbled together joint accounts, huh.