XBOX Series X

15 min queue for me.

I’m not sure if I want one monthly now :man_shrugging:

Tried that a couple of times, but definitely getting the same message. I suppose it makes sense to restrict it initially to people already on the scheme - but they’ve not implied that would be the case previously. I guess they’ve had to make that decision today to be able to respond to demand.

Smythstoys still have some at the minute, and no queue.

Oh nice, they’re back up

I think I’ve got one from Smyths.

It failed on their website, no confirmation or anything but I’ve got a direct debit confirmation to my email.

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Congrats if you did!

I’m worried my game one won’t be fulfilled because I really don’t think I was supposed to be able to do it :confused:

I got the Klarna confirmation about 10 mins before the Game one came through.

Apparently all the issues today are down to Klarna and not Game or Smyths

Interesting. I could see that being the case given both Game and Smyths were challenged and appeared to come back at similar times.

From a quick twitter search, it’s happened to a lot of people. I didn’t make an account or give any details to Smyths, looks like that was for Klarna, but do they share?

I guess I’ll wait and find out!

Smyths are having a really shit day!

Not surprising. I don’t think there’s ever been a moment where Smyths have not had a technical issue when I’m trying to buy something. They still won’t accept my Monzo card, even though I keep hassling both them and Monzo about it.

They’re also fussy about what constitutes a valid phone number or email. Again, they don’t like my phone numbers, nor my emails that I have set up specifically for shopping at websites that force you to sign up and handover such details.

Out of interest. How many large, nationwide retailers don’t require this?

I had exactly the same success, kept the all access tab open which I got into just as game went down this morning.

Went it came back online the all access site worked without issue, only way I was considering the X was with all access so glad it came off.

Smyths on the other hand seems a disaster they did the credit check before stock so hundreds of people have had a hard credit check on them to find no stock. Absolutely awful setup - rumours Xbox uk will he saying something today.

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I’m hoping it just didn’t complete and allocate a console. If they haven’t got stock for the hundreds of people this has happened to there will be riots!

Most of the ones I shop with on a less consistent basis. Quite a lot have a guest checkout system. Game do, which is why I would have ordered through them. Uniqlo have guest checkout, as do Boots, Rapanui, THG storefronts, to name just a few off the top of my head. I don’t mind signing up if I’m going to shop regularly, but Smyths is not that kind of shop. They’re more for birthdays, Christmas, or a one off purchase.

They all require an email, but few are fussy with what nature my email takes, so I can employ practices to avoid spam. Few require a phone number, though if they do, they’re not fussy about what number I provide.

Then there are countless places that just let me checkout via Apple Pay, or Paypal.

I think the signs are trying to tell me that I should forget about launch and see if things work better in the new year instead.

(Last time I bought an Xbox console at launch it died. Twice. First time the disc drive was dodgy; second time it was the heatsink issue rearing its ugly head. Fun!)

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Looks like you need to contact Smyth’s tomorrow to resolve and the order is still valid?

I’ve DM’d them on Twitter, I did that earlier when the y were telling everyone to DM them.

If that fails, I’ll email tomorrow. What a farce!

Why bother with the 3rd party retailers?

In my case, I was looking at them because it’s the only way to get a console through Xbox All Access.

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Because they were the only ones offering all access.

Like asking people why they buy iPhones from apple at full cost when they can get it monthly from their phone network?