What's the last bit of tech you bought?

I wish phones would go back to being light things you barely notice in your pocket instead of bricks. That thing is heavier than an iphone 13!

The looks don’t do it for me either. Maybe they’ll do well but if all they’re doing to differentiate themselves from the pack is a transparent glass back I don’t see it succeeding.

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Looks like a iPhone in the Apple clear case, which has markings of magsafe on it. But it is interesting to see something a bit different in tech all the same

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:face_vomiting: no thanks :joy:

A Dyson purifier cool autoreact. Just in time for the mega heatwave :sun_with_face:


I have an air purifier sat behind my fan :brain:

basically the same right?

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Haha nice! Yeah similar i guess, without knowing how your purifier works.

The difference with the fan part is this is mega quiet and cools air in big rooms really quickly rather than just moving it around. Plus it can spin 350 degrees :sunglasses: :laughing:


Treated myself to a new Forerunner 955 and changed the car to a VW ID.3


Ordered a Netatmo Weather Station :grinning: can see how hot, cold or indifferent it is over the next week.


Fans don’t cool air, it is all marketing talk. They create a cooling effect when moving air passes over you (or another object). Similar, but an important difference between a fan and active AC. They can’t cool a room.

That said I have a similar Dyson purifier and I love it.


If anything, fans warm the air fractionally due to the heating effect of the motor.

I used to have the same discussion with my family, who insisted on leaving fans on in an empty room so it would be cool when we came back.


Dyson’s fans are more like air circulators than fans these days, so that cooling effect fills the whole room which can drop the feels-like temperature a few degrees.

Vornado and Meaco still do a better job than Dyson tho, even though the later generation purifiers are capable of moving a similar amount of air per second on max speeds.

The way circulators mix the air balances out the temperature room-wide too, which can actually lower the overall room temperature, but only by about a degree.

One thing I appreciate about the Dyson purifiers though is the temperature sensor. If the room temperature is higher than the temperature outside, run this on max and open your window. Good positioning will dramatically lower the indoor temperature quite quickly as it mixes the cooler outdoor air with hot indoor air.


Credit where credits due though, fans do make a huge difference to survability in this heat! Sitting by one now, makes you feel so much cooler.


Most recent bit of tech I bought was this:

Had been meaning to get a HEPA filtering device for a while (because COVID), and pulled the trigger a couple of weeks ago as pollen and dust seemed to be irritating my airways. Kind of shocked that it seems to have gone up in price by about £40 since I ordered it!

Feels like it has done the job, though can’t be 100% certain as I don’t have the money left to spend on an air quality monitor :sweat_smile:

Also got one of these last month:

Am not generally a fan of fans, as having them blast away seems to dehydrate me worse that no fan. But this, I can stick it in the corner of the room and feel a cooling effect from it even when not sat directly in front.

So, am about as ready for next week as I’ll ever be.


I love my air purifier, it reduces my hay fever so much!

The main trick with fans is to position them behind you, or at night at the side of your head but facing down the body imo. They are awful if they are blowing in your face.

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Good to know, thanks!

I like the fact that it doesnt sound like an old biplane and my partner is no longer suffering with hayfever. Wins all round :sweat_smile:


Yes, I love mine. Just changed the filter a couple if weeks ago. Over a years use, approx 10 hours/day.


Funnily enough, as we live in a noisy neighbourhood we tend to play a sound called ‘fan noise’ overnight every night to help us sleep. So the actual fan noise overnight is like a free upgrade :smile:


You’re lucky!

When I bought mine, the filter for that brand new model was out of stock for over a year. Couldn’t source them anywhere. Dyson had to actually replace the machine with a new one just to get a new working filter.

From what I hear online replacement filters are still difficult to come by with short periods of inventory followed by months of being sold out.


Just purchased a mini version.

They had a promo code activate and it looks like they had a past one but forgot to remove it so I applied both and managed to get it for £4.89 and it lasts 12 hours per charge

Was debating about purchasing 6 of them and tape them around me so I’ll be uneffected by the heat wave


I have one of those but its usb and doesn’t turn off unless you shut down your workstation - lovely wee fans that make little to no noise!