We've Added Some New Categories

So many thanks for all the comments, I’m going to try to answer to the main themes. Please flag if I’m missing something.

Not so much of a substitute but something that can solve the problem for those that need it, without too much clutter for those that don’t.


This is something we have designs for and we’ll probably do, just one step at a time :slight_smile:

It’s on the list for future improvements, similarly to some sort of “Gifts” category. On the other hand we might solve it via pots, having a place where you can donate directly, giftaid and all that stuff.

That’s the beauty of the API integrations. I’m sure third-party apps will be able to deal with certain problems better than Monzo. The same way that Twitter power-users don’t use Twitter apps. Can’t wait to see how you folks solve it.

You’re totally right. To give some transparency about why some of those issues happen: There are certain complications with things that we originally thought to be synchronous but in reality are asynchronous. This is not ok, of course, and we should fix it.

Do they have a mobile version counterpart?

What if you hide one by accident? How do we let you make it visible again?

These questions are the core of our approach here. Yes, everything could be an option but not everything can be.

We define Finances as money moving from one place to another when you own both places (it might be a savings account, it might be your wallet in the form of cash). That’s why we’ve merged them.