We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

When you switch account (and you only have two accounts)

Which I assume is most people with multiple Monzo accounts can it just automatically switch rather than having the pick joint

I’m loving the new “View all” screen concepts (or whatever they will eventually become).

I’ve about 15 pots, so being able to group them is something I thought about suggesting yesterday but thought it was over complicated or overstepping as you’ve enough to work with already! (I was thinking nested pots).

I’ve a pot for each of my annual spends (car insurance, TV licence, flat management fee…), two pots for presents (birthdays and Christmas), a pot for each trip I’ve planned or am saving towards (London, Croatia and India).

To be able to group the pots as above and see a group total would be ace.

I’ve never been a saver and seeing the money I’ve set aside has been such a positive motivator since opening my Monzo account. Seeing a “Holidays” total or “Annual Spends” total will provide even more encouragement.


Sneak peak :eyes: of being able to re-order pots? Yes!! :raised_hands::heart_eyes::raised_hands::heart_eyes::raised_hands::heart_eyes::raised_hands::heart_eyes:


I am no longer getting instant notification since updating to this test flight version. The balances on main account and the pot is no longer updating correctly. Anyone else facing similar problem. @bruno . For me this will be the main concern. I am not getting the true reflection of the money I have in my account. Either I have to uninstall and reinstall the app or use Emma app to check my balance which is a bit annoying.

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How do I get rid of this red dot :red_circle:

I’ve been in and read this message but it doesn’t go away:


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Might need to click the x to remove the message?

But I don’t want to, I’d like to be able to go back and look at the offer later :wink:

I’ve read it through once and not ready to switch so i just want it as a message that has been read.


Hi, Where do you check if its switched on. I am having same issue here.

Would be nice if pending/owed requested showed in the inbox, instead of them getting buried within the feed

It’s under settings > notifications.

I’ve got it turned on but didn’t get a notification when I didn’t money in Sainsbury’s earlier.

Just tested the pots not updating and I also see that although my pot updates instantly my transaction history didn’t. I had to close and reopen the app before I saw the change

Click on the profile picture and that setting has the Notification setting at top.

I think it’s just a bug which will get fixed hopefully in next update, they did say it would be buggy.

thanks. I switched off the notifications and turned it on again and its working. I thinks its a bug. the notification has always been turned on previously.


Version: 2.45.0
Device: Pixel 3XL (Android 9.0)

If you grab the little ‘handle’ at the top and swipe up on it a few times it’ll grab the entire tray and move it up to the top of the screen leaving a huge gap at the bottom :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Also, it’d be fantastic if the card section / image was shifted up a few pixels :wink: I’d love to see “Investor” fully peaking above the transaction tray :yum:



Don’t know about anyone else, but I struggle to scroll through my account spends and then have to look at the top to see how much my current balance is at that time. It would be great to have the balance at each payment. Never been bothered by the graph.

Thanks for the reply, Bruno.

Excuse the crude designs, but I was thinking something more scrollable to swap between my main account and pots, like this…

iphone1 iphone2


iOS has only just switched from horizontal scroll to vertical, I’m not sure if going back to horizontal is the answer, especially for those with 10+ pots.


I think it could work if both existed. View all to quickly pick one of the many, or swipe if you want. Maybe you could select from the list the ones you wanted to be swipe-able between.


Summary I’ve never used, mainly because Monzo can’t copy with Weekly Wages. What I need to continue ‘without incident’ is the ability to send ad-hoc payments, add/edit payees as I currently do. Would also love the option (sure we had it before) to retry DDs and SOs that fail in the morning because they seem to come out before my wages go in.

Given that these changes are about look and feel, I’m pretty sure they haven’t touched the DD functionality so there’s no reason for the existing retry function to have gone anywhere.

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You should still be able to retry failed Direct Debits the next morning, as @Feathers said, but the ability to retry failed Standing Orders hasn’t been built yet.

You can vote for the ability to retry failed Standing Orders here: