We’re the best bank for Overall Service Quality and Online and Mobile Banking Services!

I agree with this but also feel the two surveys are asking different things.

MSE specifically asks about customer service - which I take to mean interactions with bank when you need assistance on something specific.

The CMA survey speaks about overall service quality which seems to me to be all-encompassing and survey respondents will probably consider things such as the quality of the app, quality of customer service, frequency of service downtimes, availability of post office partnership etc. I suspect Monzo customers (including myself) will tend to overweight app quality in their own overall service judgement rather than weight everything equally.

I personally don’t rate Monzo’s customer service very highly (unfortunately) but I still rate the overall service quality highly (and would still recommend Monzo). So I think there is scope for Monzo to do poorly in a poll that focuses on customer service and well in a poll that focuses on overall service.


I think that’s fair in broad terms (Monzo overall Vs Monzo customer service).

I would, though, rather a better poll than the MSE one to prove the point and get Monzo to pull up its proverbial socks.


The MSE poll really didn’t have enough respondents to provide meaningful data. It’s a limited poll of a certain user group, I’d ignore it tbh.

It’s all those free pens!


True but frankly I don’t rate the customer service of most of the other banks either! First Direct is the only one I’ve had consistently good CS from.

I guess only a few people - maybe 25%?? - have actually contacted customer service in the last 6 months, and most of those would have been for simple issues that would have been dealt with quickly by any bank, so customer service isn’t going to swing a general poll like this too much.

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No chances. Monzo customer support - worst!
Only bank with good customer support - first direct.
When I banked with first direct they provided perfect support. Really helpful guys… call backs, all problems solved on time.
Overdrafts? 39.9% like all other banks… maybe better for some people…
Monzo application really nice, nice features… I really like it.
Used Monzo for a year as my main account - all income, bills. Will close it next week. Enough. Copy/paste answers no help at all.

Same sentiment and takeaway here. Next year’s will be interesting to see as that will likely have a greater weighting of the recent changes and customer service issues that have transpired as a result.

With that said, no category in those results is dedicated to customer service quality, but rather overall service, which would include things like server downtime, reliability, speed etc, which Monzo still excel at better than most if not all of those other options, which may also help explain the disparity between the findings here, and the questionable results of the MSE survey.


I think that’s a grossly unfair characterization of the group. Some of them have undergone serious hardship because their account was frozen. I’m can’t say all are innocent but I just don’t believe so many are fraudulent.

I’m on benefits, as are many on there and the thought of my money being cut off with no warning is frightening.

The dismissive attitude shown to that group on here needs to go.

I find this forum very interesting reading and have learned a lot but most of the posters are people with way more money than me. I don’t automatically think your"re all trustsfarians.


Interestingly the IPSOS survery is updated every 6 months - wether or not Monzo customers were surveyed in the H2 2019 vs H1 2020 we don’t know (or even how the data is split for those time periods) - but I expect the February update will be more revealing of a trend


FYI, according to Tom, Monzo’s then-CEO, in November last year, around 95% of frozen accounts are “open and shut” for illegal activity.

Edit: misquoted slightly.

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Yes I saw that. I would love to see the receipts for that number.

They’re from the CEO of a regulated bank. He doesn’t get to make them up.


I’m not aware of any published stats.

There have been many people on that group who have had their accounts frozen and got their money back.

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Anecdotes != Data


“There have been many people on that group who have said that they have had their accounts frozen and got their money back.”

I fixed it for you :grin:

Didn’t ask you to fix anything for me but thanks.

Just a continuation of the snitty attitude shown to that group shown regularly on here.

You’ve seen the data?

This is a perfectly possible situation, whilst also still being fraudulent. If they’ve been acting as a money mule, then Monzo will return the fraudulent money to source and after their investigations, genuine money would be returned the customer (I. E. Benefit payments, or genuine transfers from friends etc).

It’s not an all or nothing scenario. Getting genuine money back, doesn’t mean they weren’t found to have committed fraud. Equally, it doesn’t mean they were found to have been ‘innocent’ (although if that was the case they’d more than likely be allowed to keep their account).


I got a free bag too! :joy:

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Data has been provided by a source who would get in serious legal trouble if that data were not accurate.