We can't see previous balance?

Honestly I’m on both sides of this argument. I think the original feed was too cluttered and the newer feed is cleaner even if I miss the pulse graph. But I like to keep a close eye on my finances and previous balances help with that.

Regardless, Monzo’s core mission statement is making banking easier for everyone, right? This is something that some people clearly want and it really doesn’t hurt. It’s a quick, small win to optionally include previous balances in the app for those who want it. Making banking easier for everyone means making a flexible product users can shape to their needs. This is one of those small things that means a lot to some people.

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And means little to others. Which is the crux of any discussion around a feature for a product.

I’m happy if Monzo add something in, but I won’t use it so would prefer not to see it (hence the ‘toggle’ question). I understand why many people would want to see this though.

The richer the app gets, the more this type of discussion will crop up I think, I don’t really budget from Monzo but that’s just my usage. Other usage will differ, and under the guise of ‘you can’t please them all’ I’m always, ALWAYS, going to argue for what I want in preference to what others want. That’s the nature of using an app I think.

Will I always get what I want? No, and that’s ok too, I accept that and understand it. At some point in the future, if things veer too far away from how I want to use Monzo, then I’ll look around for alternatives. Again, such is the nature of what Monzo is.

I’ll happily explain my reasons for why I want something, or don’t want something, but if you don’t like the response there isn’t much I can do about that.


I agree with you completely, I just think that’s exactly why, at a higher level, :monzo: can’t afford to not implement features like this, but optionally.

Both @Ordog and @lpoolrob referenced a post about monzo not wanting to use toggles if possible but if Monzo doesn’t make their product flexible then they run the risk of making an app that is kinda useful to a lot of people but not an actual solution to anyone.

That’s when people start to look elsewhere. :monzo: shouldn’t want to lose you as a customer, but it shouldn’t want to lose me either.


I track my expenses on a computer app and I record any expense I do there as well, usually at the end of the month.

Because I’m inputting lots of data (for the whole month) it can happen that I miss some expense and that the two totals (Monzo App and third-party desktop app) are different. Usually, when this happens I just use the pulse graph to go back to a day where both apps had the same total, and start checking what I’m missing from there.

Today I happen to notice that there is a £50 difference from the two totals and finding out that I don’t have access anymore to such a useful feature is really a bummer. Cross-checking will take a while. I just don’t understand why Monzo would delete features instead of adding new ones.

It seems rather contradictory to me. Please let’s be loud enough that they will have to hear us and bring that feature back.

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That isn’t the way this works.


And for this I’d suggest exporting a CSV file… be more accurate and quicker too?

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As above. Can’t you just export the transactions into a CSV and then import them into your other app?

Running balance or not, that will be so much quicker and easier.

Would be cool to have the ability to see how much money you had in an account at a given time in the past. Most internet banks have the option and it comes in handy when trying to work out your spending. Whether this would be on a day basis or an option to click on a payment and see how much you had before or after that payment was taken.


A lot of people have been requesting this since it was removed some time ago.

The only option at the moment is to download a statement.


It’s an interesting point you maket. I do get the whole clean UI thing, I’m a real one at work for pushing for de-cluttering of information. But certain features are just a little too CORE imo… and are worth the added background optionality.

Even there, :mondo: are aspiring to be a mom’n’pop :older_man: :older_woman: bank, so I really do see the need to keep even the backend options pretty easy going and clean as well as the front end. But mom’n’pop also are used to seeing their balances. It’s a bit of a :foot: :gun: moment to have dropped it I think.

As bartekl says, it’s just plain standard bank stuff.

And yet Monzo aren’t trying to be a plain standard bank, so maybe this change was on purpose to see the reaction… after all, just because everyone else is doing it etc etc

I suppose you don’t have to show me my balance at all.

Just some meta-data about spending habits. That’d be different.

I was actually surprised to find that it’s not possible to see the balance of my account on a specific date in the past… I generally find it useful to look at how much I have today and compare that to the same day in the previous month. Probably a bad habit but it’s a quick way to check that everything is on track.if I had £500 on this day last month and I happed to have £700 this month I know that I’m good on my budget, and I can probably buy that new gadget without worrying too much. As it stands I’m going to have to wait until next pay day to see what surplus I have.


Or download a statement. A PITA but it gives you the information you want.

I’ve got a rolling cumulative spend in google sheets that I use to track vs another month now. It doesn’t give me balance, but I can see that I’ve spent about the same amount.

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Just got paid today and would like to know how much extra I have left over compared to usual because of the lockdown so I can do the responsible thing and sweep it into savings.

Ugh what a pain this is about to be.

Checking your statement is pretty easy?

I find that bit easy, bills go out of a pot, rent in another, investments, groceries etc all to different pots.

Anything left over is spare to tuck away or spend on whatever

@DaveJ my situation is so different from the usual this month that my regular setup doesn’t help.

@16bitkieran Thanks for your helpful comment! I can put in my PIN, export my PDF statement to another app (iPhone doesn’t seem to have an app that will open PDFs from the share sheet by default so I’ll need to buy one I trust with my bank info) or I can save one to files close monzo open the file manager and find the file I exported get the information I need and then delete the file because I don’t want that hanging around. Or I could email it to myself and read it on my computer.
Or Monzo could a running balance in like most mobile banking apps.

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Could you not just deduct your wage from your balance to see what you had before your wage came in?