Upgrade (Migration) Updates

This just came through guys


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I also just had an update notification on Testflight for the Blue App, but I’m already running it?

Notification was delayed from last week…

My sister had the same situation - she was on Android, and merged accounts last week, but got a new iPhone at the weekend so asked me why her balanced was £0 on the Monzo app. She talked to COps and they offered to add her on TestFlight (though she had no idea what this was) but she’s said she’s ok to wait a few days until the app is released.

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Did think it was weird…


Really? We need to be told what to do? :thinking:


I guess I’ll just wait then :slight_smile:

yea… Yes we do :dancer:

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I do wonder how some people cope with life.


I ask this every time I read some of the posts on here


…and that’s just my posts :hushed:

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No they just make me die a little inside :open_mouth: :rofl:

Jokes I meant a lot

Jokes not really


My girlfriend already got the invite and she barely used the preview current account, I should be getting the invite, i’m doing everything with the current account now… in the process of closing down my old bank as well.

Once all the CA preview folks have been moved across it’ll be possible to get a decent idea how the migration is going from the graph here

I check it irrationally, seem to have been caught up in the “Woo, Monzo!” mentality which is making me feel a bit like a kid waiting for christmas!

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Just received the account upgrade email :email: but I was migrated via the banner late Friday night. I presume the emails are just lagging behind reality. Anyone else noticed this?

I’m not going to worry about it though… :slight_smile:


The only additional step i would have liked with the migration process was a message to say that i could now delete the app. I wasn’t entirely sure it had been completed and still have both apps, having already been in the early preview.

Now when i open the prepaid app it shows the current account transactions and i still have the current account app, FYI i’m on Android

Just got the upgrade to the current account email from Monzo… I already did on Friday. :smiley:


and have you deleted it now?

Actually saying that in the email I’ve just received it does indeed tell you to delete the preview app.

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Not just me then :slight_smile:

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