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Very apt for this time of year, but I can’t stand fireworks. Annoying, loud and I just think about the poor animals.

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Marmite is nasty.

(Simultaneously unpopular and popular)



My daughter will be 5 in December and my mum was saying she’ll spend about £20 on her. My wife and I were incredulous. She doesn’t understand value. Just get her a pencil case and she’ll be happy :joy:

Hell, she’s getting a tablet for her birthday that my wife got for free with a phone contract (before anyone says she’s too young, she is, but it will be fully loaded with educational apps and games recommended by her school)

However, on the flip side, my wife spends so much on the children of a friend of hers they we barely see. It’s bizarre!

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Ignore people who say kids shouldn’t have tablets/phones etc. As long as you safeguard them they are great devices, my boy is 5 and he knows his way around a tablet and my iPhone better than my wife does!

We live in a world of tech, our children need to understand it to be successful, these are the tools of this generation so empower your kids and do what is best for them.

Oh and somehow amongst all this ‘mind melting’ tech he still manages to find time to swim, taekwondo, play on his bike and hit me with his plastic sword. Go figure eh?


Everything in proportion.


This was going to be mine, too :fireworks::no_entry_sign:

Burn the witch!

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This is the future…


I was thinking about that today… bonfire night was somehow made all about the fireworks, not the bonfire, and ultimately transferred to big commercial displays that are charge an arm and a leg for 15 minutes of bad fireworks and no bonfire (£50 for the two of us this year… it’s getting unaffordable).

The community and neighbourhood bonfires we had as a child didn’t even have organised fireworks, they weren’t considered a major part of it… just what you got yourself but as a child I was more interested in sparklers (although lighting a rocket then backing off before it went off was a thrill too). Then you got parkin and stuff… all of that is gone.


Wow where are you going?

I go to Blackheath in London each year. Family friendly and completely free!

As a non-British person, I’m still amazed that people are allowed to just buy and set off fireworks here :exploding_head: But yes @adztaylor I was also thinking about the animals this weekend!

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My dog use to love them!
Rare for an animal.

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We don’t do bonfire night in Northern Ireland (maybe Belfast do? Not sure) but do fireworks on Halloween . You need a license to buy fireworks here

It’s my dogs first bonfire night, he’s only 11 months old so I was worried about how he’d react to them. Luckily it doesn’t bother him. Some dogs and animals are absolutely terrified though.

I agree @yen I find it crazy how anyone can just buy fireworks in this country with the only restriction being you have to be over 18.

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They’re not even very good fireworks. Yet still incredibly annoying/dangerous.

Without wishing to turn this into a fireworks thread…

All I’ll say is that they are absolutely magical for kids to watch (and some adults!), but they don’t need the noise.

I’m sure some would argue that the “noise” is part of the attraction, but silent fireworks look great, and don’t cause distress to animals!


I have no problem with ‘ordinary’ people buying fireworks. Why would they be controlled? Driving is still more dangerous, and more people probably end up in the Emergency Department on a bank holiday after falling from a ladder than do on Guy Fawkes night. But I do see that this view is cultural.

Don’t find yourself in, for example, Germany or elsewhere in Eastern Europe on New Year’s Eve – they light fireworks and throw them into the street near to the crowds, which is terrifying to this British person who has grown up being told to “light and stand well back”.


To move it away from fireworks…

I don’t understand the fuss behind boxing.

All my mates love it, there is always huge coverage when a big fight is on and everyone seems to talk about it and become a boxing expert before and after the fight, even if their opinion before the fight turned out to be completely baseless and full of rubbish during the fight.

Just don’t buy into the hype. Give me football, rugby, athletics and swimming any day of the week.