Under 18s accounts

They do that? Why? That’s just plain stupid.

I don’t understand why people go with these providers, when there are much better alternatives. I personally believe that the Nationwide FlexOne account is the best 11-17 account (you can keep it until 23 if you get it before you turn 18).


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My guess is that exchange rate fluctuation could allow an unauthorised overdraft and they’re being extra-paranoid to avoid that with someone too young to pursue in court…

If true, yes. Personally, I know nobody without a smartphone, so that number doesn’t line up to the world I see around me, at all.

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Never trust a statistic you haven’t forged yourself, as we say in Germany. I’m with you there… (Incidentally I happen to know a few people without smart phone.)

However, regardless of the actual numbers, the problem still persists:

  • The UK population was about 65 million in 2016 (source).
  • There were about 13.8 million under 18s, or 21%.
  • Assuming there are around 15% smartphone less people (and ignoring those that have windows phone, Blackberry or other OSs, as these are “rounding errors”) that’s about 10 million (of 16 and older).
  • I cannot find any statistics for how many people have photo ID in the UK, but in 2016 it was reported that “7.5% of electorate may not have right kind of ID to exercise right to vote after ministers unveil trial plans”. That’s about 5 million. Obviously, the types of ID required for that trial may not overlap with the types of ID required to open a Monzo account.

Obviously there’ll be a lot of overlap between the various categories, so PLEASE don’t think that I’d want to add up the numbers and try to get to a total of potentially excluded customers! However, I’d like to think that the overlap between the 1st two groups (under 18s, and no smart phone) is small, given that “smart phone adoption has reached saturation point for [under 20s]”)

However, to advertise Monzo as “bank for everyone” is more than ambitious. And I can think of lots of people who’d have no trouble getting an account with many of Monzo’s competitors, but not with Monzo.

And that’s just the “hard limitations” - I still think that Monzo also isn’t a bank for those who need joint accounts, etc.

My kids had smartphones well before they were teens, maybe 11? though I questioned why they even needed a phone at all and was overrulled by their mum :wink:


I am liking that idea, love the idea of pots but a pot that has a debit card attached for my child would be great way to move money around within one account/place and monitor the spend, its a good gap fill idea until she is old enough to have a Monzo account herself as I remain the customer not her. Is this a possibility @BethS

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Not possible right now but we are looking at accounts for under 18s! This won’t be for a while but we want to help with financial education and where better to start than before they’re 18!?


It was rumoured that after the release of current accounts, teenagers 13+ would be able to make an account. This never happened and I’m really disappointed because I’m 14 years old and have an under 18s account with Lloyds Bank and there app and service is awfuI. I think that Mondo is the way forward. Will there be a chance of Mondo for under 18s in the near future?


You made the same post in the Starling community, but you forgot to say you are also happy to help Beta test any such account.


That was a dupe unlisted post. He didn’t forget :see_no_evil:




I like the fact a 14 year old is so keen to have an account.

It’s going to be way far off on the road map. It’s going to be all cost with no way for Monzo (or Starling) to recoup any of those costs I’d have thought


No matter what others say I would still recommend just getting a prepaid in the parent’s name like Revolut or Loot and just giving that to the kids. No point waiting for a hypothetical “kids card” from Monzo or others when you can solve the problem right now.

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They will likely be hoping that young customers stay on after turning 18.
Also, from a technical perspective, it will require a significant amount of work since the current architecture is single user, single account. I’d also imagine that things like obtaining parent/guardian consent need to be considered, both from a regulatory and technical standpoint.


Neither are fscs protected. That’s a big no from me

Does it matter for kids’ pocket money? I would be more worried if the kid spends it on something stupid than the prepaid issuer going bust.


My eldest is a money hoarder, won’t spend anything but likes to see it, so yes.


Prepaid money is held in aggregated bank account - in Revolut"s case, that’s either Lloyds (personal) or Barclays (business) - who are covered by the FSCS. Plus Revolut is already profitable, so it’s unlikely that they will go bust.


I don’t think it’s a good idea to publicly, on a bank’s forum, recommend going against the t&cs in this way.

Given that anti money laundering rules need to be followed, I wouldn’t rule out that someone might construe this as fraud (though I’d hope that even if this was considered fraud, it wouldn’t pass the “public interest” test for prosecution).

Just saying, that I’d be extremely careful. Get a proper kids account, and you have no such problems…

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I know all that in theory but I’m a worrier :woman_shrugging:

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While you’re waiting, I’d recommend switching to a Nationwide FlexOne.

Being 14, you can also apply online.


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