Traitors (TV show)

Oh yeah, they looked dope (in their clearly product placed tracksuits).

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But… Claudia Winkleman :pray:t3::sweat_smile:


Agreed - also I think they have struck the tone/editing etc perfectly.


The traitors Australia spoilers below.

Well she got half of them, but then for someone who’s made a living off of reading people, that’s about average.

I know folks don’t want a celebrity version or a mix and match, but these sorts of characters and the impact they leave on others are fascinating to me. Especially with the dramatic flair (which is why she left the room), so I’d absolutely love to see Derren Brown as a contestant on this show.

Spent my whole free day yesterday binging it, and just caught the finale today.

Of the three ones, this one was probably my favourite, if for no other reason than the sportsmanship during banishment.

Some spoilers now (don’t view until you’ve seen all episodes):

Alex getting Marielle was :ok_hand:. Marielle was this games Wilf, and I love how she came in and conquered both the OGs back to back.

I’m glad Alex won. She played the game amazingly, and fast became my favourite. But oh man, Craig. That final banishment broke my heart. And the close up on his face afterwards as the Penny drop. I felt for him.

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I have thought about this now that I’ve seen all the show… and I may be alone but I actually would prefer not to know who the traitors are either. It would add an element to the show of tension for the viewers and would avoid a “pretty clear how it will end up ending” ending that admittedly took away something from me.

By the last episode I knew what was going to happen and it was clear to me who would win.

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I personally disagree (although haven’t seen the ending). I like seeing the strategy of the Traitors throughout the game and would feel like something was missing if we didn’t know who the Traitors were


Agreed. I think you’d lose some tension while watching if we didn’t know the plan of action etc

I guess it’s not possible to know either way, but it got very predictable at times and that wasn’t exciting.

If tension is your thing not know the traitors would amplify it massively. You’d be having to look out for the same traits and behaviours as the contestants, and you’d have no clue whether someone just said something as a slip of the tongue or a silly error.

It adds an element of “who is it?” to the show, which is a far more social thing when discussing with other viewers.

You’d be as tense as you could be not knowing

Knowing the traitors and their plan reduces tension as you… know it!

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I’ve only seen the UK one and part of another one (USA?).

UK was better :sweat_smile:

Australia is right up there with the UK version - also, on the whole, better challenges (hopefully we don’t have them copied and pasted for S2 of the UK version).

Knowing who the traitors are is kind of the point of those show (IMO of course). It makes great viewing watching them come up with crack pot theories.


Knowing who the Traitors are just adds a different layer of tension. Will the faithful pick up on the stuff we notice or will they be completely oblivious? Will they continue to banish people for absolutely no reason (which is entertaining for us)? How will the Traitors worm their way out of the situation if their name is ever said?

Knowing who they are adds so much more to the game. If we didn’t know, if would just be “who is the traitor” and that’s about it.


If that’s the element you want, you might prefer the mole on Netflix.

Both shows are fairly similar in concept, but in that you don’t know who the mole is.

I’ve thought about it with respect to the traitors, and it’s the fact we do know who are that that makes this one so engaging. It’s seeing the plotting and getting excited for how it might unfold that I love.


Funny enough a colleague recommended this to me today for the same reason!

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Just finished!

Loved the challenges. But preferred the final UK challenge more - much more fun. Also preferred the format of the UK end game - it was much more theatrical than just going back into the banishment room to do it.


Looks like Maddy will be able to add another character to her list of brilliant acting roles!

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But is she playing ‘a lady without a womb’ ?

Who’s watching season 2 of Australia? It’s very tactical and interesting.

Love this format I watch them all!

How/where are you watching it?

Plex :wink:

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