Hey Daniel. As long as the email matches your Monzo account, you should be fine.
But what if you changed it back again?
Crowdcube is E-Mail A but Mondo is E-Mail B so I switched Crowdcube to A to pledge then switched it back to B.
I don’t see any reason why the perks shouldn’t be offered to all investors, Monzo will know who you are, no matter what route you took to invest.
But I’m sure the team will give us a solid answer on Monday
If I’m not wrong, perks are early access to accounts and an “investor” label on debit card. I am sure that even if Monzo wasn’t 100% sure of the link between existing user/investor, because of different emails. They could still ask you/make the link at time of providing perks/opening account.
Does anyone know the latest status as to how the pledges are going? What percentage has been taken up or left? Be nice if Monzo did a barometer on the site a bit like it did for pledges. Would put a lot of people out of their anticipated misery.
Yes, you can see that here -
@alexs thanks Alex. If that’s the latest figures we still have miles to go so my hopes for that golden email is still high.
Make sure you click the link through to the Crowdcube website. We’re [currently] at 85%
Thanks @HoddzDJ. Now that’s more depressing
Sorry to burst your bubble so early in the week. I’m still waiting for my email too
5664 investors so far. Do we know how many pledged?
All of them, Andy.
I assume that was sarcasm…
How many people pledged in total including those who have already invested this round?
In total, 41,267 people pledged £12,066,480 over the two weeks, nearly 5x the £2.5 million we were aiming for.
So about 13% of people have invested 85% of the money. I think it’s safe for those of us still waiting to just assume we won’t be picked based on those numbers.
Sorry, not sarcasm, just misunderstood the question. Time for some caffiene
Then if you do get picked it’s a bonus
I like how you think.
To be honest I would like to be picked (or I wouldn’t be bothering to follow this thread), but it’s not exactly the end of the world if I’m not.
If everyone who invests gets 100 x their investment back in a few years, then I might be irritated!
It’s good to see many hopeful people… but then I realised that YOU ARE JUST COMPETITION . I strongly believe that this case could be thoroughly investigated by a student for some psychology project.
It’s likely we’ll reach 2.2 million with this next batch of investor e-mails. I expect 1 or two smaller batches to be sent after this- keep the hope alive everybody!
We’ll be able to match you as an investor from this nothing to worry about perk-wise!