Subscriptions review

My understanding based on Netflix was that the standard price would be the same, and there would be a lower ‘ad-supported’ tier but Amazon have done the opposite. Make the standard price the new lower ‘ad-supported’ tier and charge more for add free.

Slightly disingenuous to the customer, but it is Amazon

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Can you imagine if you start watching a two hour film and you end up with five ad breaks every 20 mins. :skull:

To be clear I haven’t actually seen any specifics on what “adverts” means. One is too many.

When I had Prime I’m sure they already tried to include their own shows and products so I’m guessing it’s other advertisers paying Amazon. It wouldn’t really be bringing much revenue in if it was just advertising their own content.

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Eurgh - I need to persuade my mum to upgrade to the ad-free version :eyes: So that I then get ad-free prime video! :joy:

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If it’s 30 seconds of previews of other Amazon things before it starts then I don’t really care, Apple do this too but if it was something as minor as that, I don’t think they’d be mentioning it as much.

But then they also have ad-free Kindles where the only advert is on the screensaver. So who knows.


Amazon already do that too, so it’s either not that, or it’s gonna be longer preroll.

How is Netflix doing ads? I suspect it’ll be similar to that, because they’re who they’re all copying.

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When I had Prime that’s what they did, before playing a film you got 30 seconds of a prime exclusive film or TV series. Nothing during the film though.

I’m expecting it’ll be closer to Sky/Now where it’s any old crap.

I’ve ditched Prime as there’s barely anything that we would ever want, plus a lot is also paywalled on top.

So paying a sub, paying without adverts and paying to watch a specific movie. Meh

Netflix and Disney in another league

Just checked and they’re wanting £6 on top of what they are already paying from people

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It’s all part of the Enshittification of the Internet (/everthing)

Once Amazon and Netflix do it, it will be open season on the rest.

See also, Uber/Taxis, 3.5mm Jacks on Devices, Food Delivery services.

Process goes something like:

  • Stagnant Market
  • Disrupter comes in and disrupts - serivce gets cheaper and more effective for the end user.
  • Disrupter pushes old suppliers out of the market
  • Prices go up, quality goes down.

And I’m sick of it.


Absolutely my new favourite word and you can guarantee I’m already finding a way to use it in a professional setting.


Great thread @N26throwaway

Been reviewing all mine. This thread has also introduced us all to some services which we may have not know about which could be useful!


This is free since they got acquired, paying only gets rid of ads.

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll probably be cancelling then… unless the ads have got more intrusive?

I’ve never used the with ads version but I do find the results are a bit less optimal than they used to be.

Anyone else find that on the free version?

I don’t use it very much, but the adverts are barely noticeable.

I’m not paying extra for no ads, so as noted above it’s highly likely I’ll be binning Prime (unless I figure out I’m saving more by not paying for postage than Prime costs me). I pay enough a year already.

This I think is by design. The free postage perk gets shared (and maybe some others), but to access Prime video you have to be using the Amazon account that’s paying for Amazon Prime. When logged in to Prime Video you can create different user profiles so that your watching of shows doesn’t muck up your parent’s viewing.

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I’ve tried that, even the account holders account gets asked for a 30 day trial, it’s so odd

Barely notice them, there’s one under the to/from box, and one under the search results. They never get in the way.

Who were they acquired by? I didn’t know. I pay the annual subscription as I always liked to be contributing towards a small-ish team who made a really good app, though getting rid of ads also was a perk.

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You could’ve googled that quicker than you asked the question Via confirms it's acquired trip planning app Citymapper to boost its transit tech | TechCrunch

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Spicy reply!

Well that article does say it’s Via. I don’t know who Via is. So the article takes far longer to plough through and read than just a casual question on a forum.

Also really there was the point that I pay the annual subscription, which to be fair could easily have been the entire post, but the question provided context to the post.

Sometimes I post a question on here for a good old fashioned simple sentence in layman’s terms from fellow friends. I believe it’s called a conversation.