Starling Feedback

The current account preview works on Android.

What age are you thinking, exactly :thinking:
I must be a lot younger than you! :grinning:


Iā€™m 43. Men, especially in my profession, if I pulled out a neon pink card in the pub, I would get a lot of attention and not of the envious kind! :joy::man_firefighter:

Probably want to look at getting some friends who donā€™t judge someone for having a pink debit card :joy:


Yeah, Iā€™ll let my mates know. Know anywhere that does new friends?


Try Starling Bank. Think they do a more masculine purple card.

Got one. Its very manly. Not as manly as Barclays though.

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Ah, I must look younger than I am as I am older than you.

Yes, Iā€™ve had people notice the card when Iā€™ve paid for something, but Iā€™ve not had any problem comments about it.

Iā€™m happy with the colour. It helps me tell it apart from all the other cards that are shades of blue or purple :wink:


Least the colour of the card isnā€™t like 50 shades of grey :joy: (apologies, had to)


Nice one @Borussia, something I may have said myself! :wink:

Except Monzoā€™s merchant icon/info game is far superior. Monzoā€™s efforts just seem to work every time, but Starlingā€™s is hit and miss at best. Plus the fact you have to report issues to their customer service and hope, one day, they get round to correcting it. Monzo allow you to make changes yourself to incorrect merchant info which in turn helps them improve, a far superior system.

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Your only as old as you feel, or so they say, so Iā€™m about 75! No, Iā€™ve not had any comments either to be fair, but Iā€™ve not used the card that much, except to buy stuff for lunch at work and on TfL, plus a few other things. I suppose I just want a card like the one I saw on another topic that some clever Monzo user made up, it was fantastic. I get why Monzo have the hot coral card, it is almost a badge, people recognise it, Iā€™ve seen a few people around London and straight away I know they are fellow Monzonauts! Though I would still like a choice, maybe Monzo will offer one when they are more established. See, I am reasonable, most of the time! :wink:

I find Starling always faster at updating transaction info than :monzo: normally within a couple of minutes of sending a message (not the chat as itā€™s not that important). The longest Iā€™ve had to wait for the update is a couple of hours.
Iā€™ve reported to :monzo: a couple of transactions and they seem to update in batches, although they keep missing a wrong logo I keep reporting since September '16 :scream:


Youā€™ve had a better experience than me then! I reported issues 4 days ago regarding merchant info and Iā€™m still waiting for it to be corrected. I appreciate they are in beta, I just wish they would allow us to amend info ourselves that updates their own data for them, like Monzo already allows.:slightly_smiling_face:

Monzo doesnā€™t allow you to edit merchant info, they allow for suggestions which may or may not be used (and seems to be done in batches)


while that may be true of iOS app, in Android you always had to send a message in App to Customer Operations as there was no way of reporting the incorrect merchant info in app

At least that is something isnā€™t it! At least you get the chance, in app, to provide the correct information.

I know, so it is possible, which is my point.

I have both Monzo and Starling cards, the first was Monzo which I enjoy, my partner has one also which is great for holidays if we want to split bills etc, or use Monzo me.

Starling I very much enjoy, have set up 5 DDs and linked the account to AMEX and PayPal.

I like the colour of the Starling card, I donā€™t like the Monzo Card.

I have invested in Monzo so will see how the currant account progresses. I am not sure if I could give up my Flex plus account

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Just got my Starling card. First impressions are good but I donā€™t like the run of the mill dark blue card. Much prefer Monza pink.

Will wait until the Monza Android card appears, test it then decide between the two.