Starling Bank Discussion: Part 2

Well, I need Personal, Euro, Business and Joint, so monzo doesn’t come close

Congratulations to Starling Bank who have won Best Current Account Provider in the British Bank Awards for a fourth consecutive year :clap:t2:

Also to Monzo who received a “Highly Commended” accolade in this category.

Edit: Starling have won Best Business Banking Provider too.
Edit #2: Best Banking App :slight_smile:
Edit #3: Best British Bank (award #4)


Just leaving a comment to say well done to Starling before the comments flood in about how the award is bullshit because it’s really about who can get more customers to rate them


I still think the awards are pointless. It massively depends on what people’s needs are. For many people, the likes of Starling and Monzo will be the worst as they may need the branch service. I have closed my Monzo account again as it isn’t for me (I’m still not sure why. There’s just something about the app that I don’t like). I also stopped the opening of my Starling Account after having some terrible customer service. For me, the high street banks are the best but that’s because I don’t really care about a lot of the “improved” features mobile banks offer. I prefer banks that get the basics essentially perfect, which with some things isn’t Monzo or Starling.

Where is this being reported please?

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You can find the results on Twitter.

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As @Lightning720 said, they’ve been posting the results on Twitter as they were announced.


Thanks. Twitter is such a cesspit these days I didn’t even think to look there.


iOS is now showing transaction details in Spaces.

However - the initial screen only shows the time of the transaction, not the date (looks to be the same in @Remi 's screenshot above. Also, it doesn’t include round-up transactions.


Starling just launched dark mode in their latest app update :tada:


I’ve just updated on Android but not seeing any option for it…

It’s Apple only atm by the look of it :pensive:

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Here’s how it looks.


Not as wild as some people over dark modes but it’s nice. Bit too dark, perhaps.

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Makes you wonder why it’s taking Monzo so long.


I’m on Apple and I couldn’t find the option to switch to dark mode.

Overall the app is looking more polished and easier to read and navigate.

Sadly you can’t pay from spaces, which seems such an obvious thing to setup.

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Nicely done Starling, genuinely was optimistic Monzo would get there first. I feel like scales are starting to ever so slightly start to tip away from Monzo for me. Bills pots is the main draw for me now


The most concrete thing I’ve seen to date about this tweeted today actually, perhaps they’re finally getting round to making it happen…


Might be because starling’s looks rushed and not as accessibility friendly as it should be (for an accessibility feature), and these things can take a lot of time to get right. From what I’ve been told, Apple began building dark mode for their systems around 2014, and it did not ship in its final form for all systems until 2019.

Starling have left accessibility an afterthought again, and it shows in their implementation. Contrast is bad enough that I can barely read some text and buttons in the screenshots they’ve shared!


Hopefully not long until I can enable it on my phone then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: still hate that stupid shelf at the bottom which blinds me everytime I open the app.