The option to request money is not yet in the Current Account interface. However, you can pay and receive funds from other Monzo users. And you can request a specific amount, with description, by creating a link manually. You then send (via Messages or email, etc.) to someone else and when they tap on it, it will open the Monzo app with the amount and description pre-filled. It’s a bit of a manual process which is a pain, but hopefully the in-app interface will return .
The format is:[username]/[amount e.g. 12.50]?d=[text description/reference about the payement]
The safest way to ensure all spaces and Unicode/emoji characters get escaped properly is to type your URL into a browser, hit enter/tap go, and then share the resulting page from the browser’s share sheet.
Note: this only works with another Monzo user. The feature where anyone can pay you with a debit card is not available yet in the current account. is now working for almost all users.