Spending Pot Targets

Here’s a use case:

I have a holiday spending pot with £2,000 in it and my holiday ends in 2 weeks. I would like to track how my spending is progressing against target.


Surely you’d see that by looking at the pot on the home page and seeing the balance dwindle to zero.

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Currently, when setting a spending target, you receive a chart showing your progress against the target, along with a calculation of the number of days remaining and how much you need to spend each day to reach the target. It would be useful to have this feature for individual spending pots.

You can remove all accounts and Pots in Trends, and solely have that Pot set so you can monitor it.

You can indeed, but that doesn’t do what I’m suggesting/requesting (i.e., you can’t set a custom target date) and changing the settings would mean losing my current target. I guess I’m asking for multiple, more flexible targets.

Hi @DigitalVoyager & welcome :wave:

Similar to this feature request, but almost in reverse - counting down rather than counting up, which shouldn’t be that difficult to implement if the count is logically calculated (toggle for countup/countdown?)

In terms of the practical use this’d get by Monzo users, either way (up/down), probably minimal.

Great idea, I’d use this feature if it existed. Thanks for sharing.