So this just dropped through my door

That’s..awkward :grimacing: were you expecting an invite to the current accounts or the regular prepaid card?

Either way, it sounds like it’s got lost in the mail so I’d recommend emailing the support team via or sending them a DM on Twitter, to ask them to send you another card.

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This is for the current account. Got told on Thursday that the card had been ordered! Will email now

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Hey Carly! I’ve assigned your query to our current account team - unfortunately at the moment we are only offering current account support from 9am-6pm whilst we’re in the Preview. They’ll be in touch tomorrow :ok_hand:t4:

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I received my invite on Thursday. My card arrived today. Hopefully you’ll get your tomorrow



Hi, I was just wondering how long it takes to get invited to get a current account? I’ve been a card holder since the Mondo Beta days and applied for a current account when the offer opened. not heard anything since. I’m not trying to jump the queue but was wondering if there was a time scale or prioritization process in place? Thanks. (I’ll add @simonb to this as he may shed some light on this :slightly_smiling_face:)

Interesting! It’s awesome to see the first handful of people get their card! :slight_smile:

Did you receive an invite to a London event? Or did you receive your invite specifically for a card? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Picking mine up tomorrow evening, cannot wait! :grin: Wish I didn’t have to spend 2hrs on a train though :sweat_smile:

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I was lucky and saw a forum post asking for 10 volunteers for “secret assignment” the post was only visible for about 10mins before all the places were filled. So we were the first handful of people to get the card via post.


My mum actually got an email asking her if she wanted to apply for a current account on Thursday without her even seeing the forum post and her card arrived on Saturday.

Hi Spencer! Unfortunately there isn’t an exact figure - we’re ramping up in stages.

That being said - we hope to more than quadruple the present number of live current accounts over the next 2 weeks. So your chances look good :slight_smile:


Yeah myself too… mondo beta user, yet to receive an invite… Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind waiting, but as the first to adopt such great tech - I’m equally keen to close the other legacy crap down…


I’m a Mondo Alpha user, one of the first 500 and a double investor. Don’t think any of that plays in to how quickly you’re selected to join the current account.


What I do know is this: it hurts not to try one’s luck. I’d be better off for getting rid of my legacy current account, and Starling too.

Just got mine in the mail! Hurrah!


email invite? or card in the post?

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Got my card in the mail

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Omg I just got an email invite!


Checked my inbox again




my daily struggle too, should I just camp outside their office now?


I dunno but I think I should defo get on as it is my birthday today, would make me ever so happy about being that 1 year closer to 40… maybe @alexs could have a word or maybe @simonb or @tristan could hook it up :heart:

Just tagging for attention :joy:


Just got an invite to have a card posted too