Shut down of prepaid cards

I want to voice my frustration of the shut down of prepaid cards and the push to upgrade to your current account. The use case for prepaid card is different than a current account (for me personally).
I don’t need another current account. I have three already that are more feature rich than the product you are offering.
Prepaid cards are useful while travelling and for money management (yes I know your plan to have saving pots in the current account product… unnecessary in my opinion) I just want a card that I can load my disposable cash on to and once it’s gone it’s gone. I don’t want to take my bank card abroad and use it while travelling. I want a card that has my spending money on it and that’s it.

You have lost a loyal customer through this shut down


18 posts were merged into an existing topic: Our Plans to Close the Monzo Prepaid Cards