Is it possible to add my Premium Bonds account to the ‘Other Accounts’ section?
Not at the moment. NS&I would have to implement an open banking API, and Monzo would have to add support for it… Nsandi did suggest they were going to implement in 2021 so I wouldn’t hold your breath…
Given how basic the app and online offering is for NS&I and they still don’t let you even refresh the page or use the back button, I also would not be holding my breath for this to be implemented (even less so being stable and usable, I have to delete and reinstall the app every few months as it is).
Looks like NSandI have recently implemented open banking (via Ecospend): Pay by bank account | NS&I.
Oooo the final piece to get all my accounts in one place Please Monzo xo
It would be nice to see this one pop up as the other means of viewing nsandi are frankly a pain compared to opening monzo.
Would love to see NS&I added to the connected accounts list! Especially for those who hold premium bonds (which is the majority of people) it’s nice to be able to see this included in your total savings balance which can be neatly seen when connecting all accounts with monzo.
When can we expect this addition?
Also trading212 so that I can see my isa account balance with them with the rest of my accounts. This should go with the investments section underneath the monzo investment pot!
It would be nice to see this, however I don’t personally think it’ll ever happen
You first need to convince NS&I to provide access to their accounts via open banking. Monzo won’t be able to connect to NS&I until that happens.
Right! I’ll get on the phone to the manager then!!