Say hello to iOS Health team at Monzo šŸŽ šŸ©ŗ

Donā€™t have another day to compare it to, but the ā€œpossibleā€ text shows on downdetector when thereā€™s 10-25% more reports than average for this time, but not a huge spike

Theyā€™re looking into it

About time youā€™d be inclined to say.

If only they couldā€™ve started investigating it yesterday.


Same issue here, Iā€™m with VM but also tried over mobile 4g and still spinning and not updating no, canā€™t see card details or anything. Very annoying! At this point I think I have had the issue for about 24 hours.

Hey Niall, look at this thread there might be a solution here for your issue

Taken from

If youā€™re still having issues after performing the actions suggested then you need to contact support.

That status update was a whole day after the outage was first reported. The issue began on June 7th, and wasnā€™t resolved until the afternoon of June 8th. A few hours after they began investigating.

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As @N26throwaway says, it took 24 hours for them to update the Status Page.

If the issue wasnā€™t fixed I wouldnā€™t even be able to contact support because the app didnā€™t work.

Iā€™ve opened a complaint now anyway so Iā€™ll see how that gets dealt with.

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Sorry, was just trying to help! :person_shrugging:

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Wonder what the cause was?

As seems a small minority impacted as far as I can tell.

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Apologies if my tone came across a bit rude. Wasnā€™t my intention.

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No idea. Would love to know though.

Definitely something on their end, given that they were able to fix it without a client update.


From my experience weā€™d have a reporting agent that watches for the app failing to contact the core infrastructure on the users device, and then would log that on a secondary infrastructure. Usually a 10-15% failure increase initiates auto-emails and calls to the whole team

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Monzo appears to be having a heart attack at the moment, I was able to claim my early payday - but itā€™s been 20 minutes, no notification, but they money has gone in, however it has not updated

I had quite a delay in getting paid early, then various error messages when I was trying to sort the funds. All done through now but was definitely a notable problem earlier.

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