Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) chat

I joined Ulster in February-ish when the last switch offer was on, and I actually got asked to use HooYu not digidocs. They also sent me the paper form but it says on it if you’ve already been verified online you don’t have to send it back, never did and haven’t had any problems

It was a whirlwind 2 months but I’ve just done a CASS back to Monzo, while there is nothing really wrong with RBS (bit old school) I just prefer the way Monzo handles my DDs and notifications.

I still have 2 current accounts and a savings account with RBS (Drummonds + C&Co) which I won’t be closing at any point in the future.


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rings doorbell

Monzo: Well well well… :melting_face:

The heart wants what the heart wants. :man_shrugging:t2:

I see Cora is still a bag of crap.

Just had to visit my local branch , after Cora not being helpful and the live agents not being live.

Can’t remember walking in and asking for a long wait, but that’s what I got. Not even a hello. There was a big queue, 1 person serving people with a good few staff walking about dilly dallying by the looks of it.
Got to the desk still no hello just a push your card in , did what I needed them to do and not even a goodbye :smiley: I should have just moved away from RBS after one of their mobile bank vans pulled out and brake checked myself, wife and my few months old daughter on a roundabout then hurled abuse at us. :rofl:

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You know what to do… :eyes:

Join me and CASS to Monzo!

haha I can’t, Foolishly closed my account a few weeks ago. Will see what the situation will be after 30 days.

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I’m curious what is it that needed a branch visit that couldn’t be done online :eyes:

Looks like RBS will be getting the travel account like Natwest has recently added

One thing I’ve noticed thats a bit rubbish for those who just got a new Visa card

Mastercard debit card holders only


Something to do with child saving account, something to do with the RBS coin machines and also something to do with old £1 coins in relation to the coin machines. :joy:

I had a look in my RBS App and can’t see anything and then saw this on the website so wonder if it’s a gradual rollout or what criteria they might be applying to who can have one? Would have been good to try it out as off on holiday soon.

I assume i cant see it in app as a have a Visa debit card. Do you have a Mastercard or Visa? Bit annoying really considering we had no say as to which cars we got.

I’ve got a Child & Co and Drummonds Debit Mastercard

No idea then. The website doesnt realpy mention much to do with eligibility unfortunately

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I can’t see it in my RBS app but can in NatWest (which I don’t use). I’ll assume it’s a case of NatWest only for now.

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Its in the Ulster app now


I was walking around the Uni of York and noticed this…

That grass needs cut.