Revolut chat

Revolut may be doing different offers to different customer.

I got a TfL cashback one which is also capped at £10.

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So did I. Ironic as I don’t pay to travel.

Why is Revolut showing in Monzo as US$?

I guess either Revolut pass it through Open banking like that? Or is it because you can have AUS dollars? Etc

I believe Monzo display USD as us$ across the board

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When you connect a Revolut account should be able to chose which currency account you opt in? Or does it only allow the GBP account?


Yes, you can choose which (sub) accounts you want to add.
Now you can also add Pockets too :grin:


Thats Monzo doing that… My HSBC account shows that also but the euro version just shows the € symbol


Having issues with my Revolut account in Money Dashboard. Says it needs reauthorising, which I’ve done, but it’s still giving me the warning (and not updating my balance). Deleted and re added; still the same. Anyone else having the same problem?

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MoneyDashboard lol

Very insightful comment


Tomorrow is my downgrade to plus day, hopefully then downgrading to standard will go to plan and I’ll only be out the original £12.99.

Bit worried it’s not going to happen as there was no confirmation or anything when I did the downgrade request. :sweat_smile:


Changing plans or even upgrading is too quick, I’ve done it a few times in error but cancelled same moment and had a refund :joy:


Hopefully when I check my account tomorrow it’ll say I’m on plus then I can downgrade to standard straight away (or do I have to wait another day?). It did say I had a free trial for plus but not sure if that will carry over or if they will charge me the £2.99 first.

Hopefully it will go to plan and I can continue using my gold card.

The day the £2.99 leaves you should be able to downgrade to Standard and it should refund you.


If it is a free trial then I guess the day it says I’m on Plus rather than Metal?

Have you paid anything yet? After your first monthly fee taken, should then allow you to change down. Free trials might work different whilst on the trial but when a paying customer the above processes should workm

All i’ve paid so far is £12.99 when i ordered my metal card on the 10th Feb. After 14 days I downgraded to Plus but it said I had a free trial of Plus, tomorrow I should move over to Plus but dunno if it will be the free trial or I’ll be charged the £2.99.

Ohh I see. Sorry.

Wouldn’t have a clue but you should still be able to follow the process above if not. Worst case, £12.99+£2.99 is better than £40 :upside_down_face:

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I’m honestly not fussed either way as long as it’s £12.99 + £2.99 at most, best case would be the £2.99 refunded.

Still using it for my own personal spends, whip out the metal card every chance I get but no-one has said how amazing it is yet. :unamused:


My Sainsbury’s local must think I’m all over the place (I am, but still) as it’s different card every week :joy:

Starling for now though as the app has no clutter and reduces anxiety :raised_hands:t3:

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