Remember that UI design you all hated? We explain it here šŸ‘‡

I think a new home screen design could be exciting :star_struck: but these are some of the individual things that irk me at the moment with the current UI. (iOS user, iPhone 12 Pro, latest App Store version of Monzo).

  1. The animation for pulling down the transaction feed to get to the pots overview screen is really janky and not fluid. Itā€™s really one of my least favourite animations in any app/iOS navigation experience :laughing:. I canā€™t decide whether I like this method of getting to the pots overview screen, but I really wish it had a completely reworked animation.

  2. Again on animation, swiping between pots can still be a jerky experience. I have 15 pots, and noticed at one point when I had to temporarily delete a bunch of pots (to get a better interest rate), that with less pots, it was a bit smoother.

  3. I donā€™t like that the selection of ā€œfeedā€ or ā€œmanageā€ is dealt with on a per pot/account basis. If Iā€™m swiping through multiple pots, all on the ā€œmanageā€ tab, then come across 1 random one that Iā€™ve left on the ā€œfeedā€ tab, it feels weird.

  4. The Summary icon and search icons on the home screen are too close for me. It feels like theyā€™ve both shoved in a corner and getting in each otherā€™s way. Maybe when Summary goes, thisā€™ll not be an issue.

  5. The info above a pot can get very cluttered and not visually appealing when it includes: the pot name, the type of interest bearing pot, the amount in the pot, and the percentage of the goal achieved. At the very least it seems like the most crammed in bit, which is the pot type (e.g. ā€œeasy access savings potā€), could just show on the manage tab instead.

  6. Still hoping for the return of something more visual for pot goals progress (including on pots overview screen), instead of just a percentage being displayed.

  7. UI inconsistencies, e.g. swipe to go back (iOS) not being built into all screens which have a back button at the top for navigation. Thereā€™s also a separate issue of a long standing bug with swipe to go back: [iOS] swipe to go back intermittently doesnā€™t work

  8. The background colour when you are a Plus member - its like a green/blue mixture which just comes across as a ā€œtoxic wasteā€ colour for some reason to me :man_facepalming::joy:.

  9. feed/manage has 3 different positions - this is too many I think. Maximum 2 positions would be better and make navigation easier.

  10. Final oneā€¦ I know there are different trains of thought on this, but I really hate having to copy tags/notes/category choices on a E.g. withdrawal from a pot on the pot feed, to then have to do it all again on the same transaction on the home feed. I miss the days when I just had to do it once and it would be the same in both places :slightly_frowning_face: