Prescription Medicine Category

I collected my NHS medical prescription from Boots today and the payment just went to a 'General’categorisation in Monzo. I looked for a ‘Medical’ category, but there isn’t one.
There is also no facility for a user to add a category - this might be a useful feature.
Can a category for prescription/medical payments be added?

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Monzo adding categories and allowing custom ones is included in this list.

I recommend the thread be read or bookmarked for later by all users.


Despite the fact that custom categories are unlikely to available for now (as Hugo mentions in the post which Ben posted the link to), the existing categories are due to be reviewed in about a month so this was a good time to make the request :slight_smile:

Ah, I was under the impression it would be later possibly after the launch of the current account seeing that’s taking up their focus right now. No reason they can’t split focus though.

bearing in mind there are Prescription Prepayment Certificates available Monzo could do an algorythm to advise when it would be cheaper to buy one rather than keep paying each time by card