Pots for budgeting

The point here really is that pots and budgets should be the same thing. When you budget a certain amount of funds for a particular category, in effect you are creating a pot for it.
That is the way YNAB works, for example.

Ideally, it would be possible to integrate pots and budgets into one.

Just noticed this on iOS now shows the left to pay at the top don’t think it was there the other day!!

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That’s definitely new!

Not there on my joint account (Obvs! Or maybe it’s because I’m done for the month :man_shrugging:)

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Yeah, it’s on Android too and shows on Joint Account bills pots.

The feature flag was enabled with the release of the 4.17.0 version of the :monzo: app (or possibly just slightly before that release):

<boolean name="left_to_pay_progress" value="true" />