Is there any news about when Monzo will be added as a bank with Plum?
You’d have to ask Plum I’m afraid. Once they’re an AISP (it looks like they aren’t yet), they’ll be able to build an integration using Monzo’s dedicated API.
Plum said on 18th May, coming soon.
And as of last week co-founder, Alexis, said it’s been actively worked on, it shouldn’t be too long…
Which one should be live by end of week?
Monzo or Starling?
They said that to me a couple of months back. Let’s hope it’s true this time
Been interested in using plum for a while. Anyone used it already?
I’m at present on the beta for Plum and Monzo not Long linked up my account
I highly recommend it. Especially with its recent investment options.
Cheers think I’ll give it a go once I go #fullmonzo
Sounds like Monzo integration is just around the corner too so good timing.
How does the authentication work? Via an email magic link?
Yea the auth is done via email magic link
Sweet! How did you get this? Did you just ask support?
Was a post on the plum Group Facebook page with a link to a form to fill in
I’ve never used Plum before. Is it possible to just see your balance displayed normally or is it all done through a silly chat bot?
Oh it looks like you have to use it through Facebook messenger
Would be cool if it integrated with Google Assistant.
Yes it is all run via Facebook messenger they also have a web portal also and they have an app in the pipeline going by the latest seeders round
How long did it take for plum to let you know you can connect your Monzo account? I signed up for the beta yesterday but haven’t had anything through yet.