Our all-new Savings Pot is here šŸŽ‰

Just opened one. I hope that they will add an ISA page that shows the total amount of allowance left across all ISAs (currently you can only see this for the Stocks and Shares ISA). If they add a LISA as well :crossed_fingers: then that could be included too.

Just opened one too. Pretty straight forward process.

I only have the Cash ISA, but on my ā€œSavings and Investmentsā€ it shows my Cash ISA allowance.

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So this is basically another savings pot at 4.6%?

Essentially although you donā€™t need to pay tax on an ISA so thatā€™s more attractive depending on your situation.


And you also canā€™t use it if you have a cash ISA elsewhere already that youā€™ve contributed to this year.


Thatā€™s standard ISA rules though.

Gotta wait until the 6th April for the new tax year

Iā€™m not seeing this? Am I just thick? Iā€™m neither seeing it under the investments or savings tab?

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Press create a savings pot, then you should see it.

Thatā€™s all I see, iD10T error I think :rofl:

Edited with a further screenshot, just takes me through the flow to name the pot, etc

Thatā€™s odd, maybe see if thereā€™s an update? Could just be rolling out slowly who knows!

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Latest app version? Do you have a joint account? It doesnā€™t show up as an option if you select that.

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Probably an A/B test, Iā€™m on the latest TestFlight version

I have the free account if that makes a difference

Ah. It does say itā€™s an ā€˜Exclusive Monzo Plus rateā€™ for me.


No joint account, no

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Doubt they would just do it for Premium people. Maybe early access to premium. Or they didnā€™t mean to realise it yet lol


I have a joint and when making a savings pot it said personal or joint

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Either is possible!

Given that cheques has only just rolled out fully and been announced as such, itā€™s probably a slow rollout. It appeared yesterday for me

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Question is: Is this the new thing that @davidwalton was hiding from us in the teardown :flushed:

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