Option to hide specific contacts in payee list

Its great that it’s so easy to pay other Monzo users who are in your contacts as they appear in the payee list already. But as more and more people seem to be moving over my contacts payee list is growing and full of people i will never likely engage financially with but need to keep in my contacts list. It would be great to have a option to manage this list to simply hide people that you don’t want listed.

Good suggestion. There’s a lot Monzo could do to improve payee management. Take a look here and vote if you fancy it.

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Thanks for the list. Agree this is an area where should be significant improvement.

I’m moving lots of stuff from one account with another bank to my new joint account and the suggestion of “create a new payee without making a payment” would have been really useful as under the current circumstances things such as kids classes are on hold but I would like to have set up the payee details in Monzo so I could delete the record on my old bank account.

Yes it’s a much needed feature. Hopefully we’ll see some love soon.