Open Office July Debrief

Synopsis: Since receiving our banking license 3 months ago, we’ve been working extremely hard behind the scenes to prepare for the public release of the first Monzo current accounts. Monzo’s CEO Tom Blomfield will be sharing details of what customers can expect, as we begin the gradual rollout of accounts over the next couple of months. Join us for what promises to be an exciting update followed by Q+A and the opportunity to share your feedback and ideas with the community and the Monzo team.


Couldn’t make it, watched it back and getting hyped for those current account releases!

It’s always refreshing to see Tom talk or in an interview because the aims for Monzo always come across as ethical first, profitable second (or maybe third?)

edit: I would like to add also that I strongly agree with Tom about “points”. Points, in my view, are a method of keeping you from using another service that has a better deal. It’s a “benefit” that you can’t quite ever quantify, and with finances that should be exactly the information we have available; what quantity/cost/financial gain is this giving me?