Next day transactions total value

I was just thinking it might be useful to have the total value of all transactions occurring the next day displayed on the feed. I can see all scheduled payments for the next day, which is really useful, however if there are a lot of items there I have to go through them and calculate the total amount of money moving around myself.

I would like to have a total at the top, where I’ve circled below, so that I can see at a glance exactly how much money is going to be moving around on the next day.

Happy to vote for this, but I think two is the maximum number of transactions I’ve ever had pending. Everyone is different financial arrangements wise on this forum!

Metal card notification :eyes:


Looks like for him, most of them are just automatic transfers to pots. (probably the day after payday)

I see no negative of having a total up there and there’s certainly nothing wrong with saving a few seconds adding stuff up (especially early in the morning!)


This would be great! My direct debits are ever so slightly changeable and the way I manage my money (£50 in current account as a buffer, £50 transferred weekly from a pot for fun spends everything else managed in pots) I don’t have all the money for direct debits sat there waiting. I’ve moved 90% of them for the first of the month. But it would be great to see a total!

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Not a world changing idea, but it really frustrates me when I see itemised future payments without a total…just provide a total!

Edit: sorry my autocorrect took over…

In English please


I think this is someone who is only looking at spending alerts and not opening the app?

So they get multiple ‘you spent £x.xx alerts’ but what they want is once a day ‘Total spend £x.xx’ instead?

If it’s not that, I’m stumped.

Literally no clue what is being asked for.

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I think the OP has a few payments coming out tomorrow and as well as a list of what’s due out they would also like to see a total of them all added together


This has been discussed before.

After reading it a few times I agree with @Rat_au_van

Translates to: Not a world changing revolutionary idea… :grin:

That’s much less poetic


A haiku about grouped alerts:

The alerts? Too much!
I want a total amount
Make them concise please

You’re welcome.


Reminds me, I was looking that this online yesterday and I had to read and re-read that second line over and over.

Took me a long time to work out this card is issued in Philippines.


Can He-Man fix it? Yazz he can.



This can be applied to many topics of conversation on this forum.

I like this idea…even Halifax tells me what’s up and coming in the next few days in total rather than individually.

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Like Starling.