NatWest chat

Might be a quirk of having £0 balance.

Whack a £1 charge on and see if that helps.

Sharing my general experience, I haven’t been with RBS for years but opened a new account in December last year. Took a few days for the account to actually be activated and it’s where I appreciate how much fintech has pushed the barrier there - immediate account creation, etc.

I didn’t manage to secure the account upgrade I was after because of how I receive my salary. Getting feedback was a little circular. Would say customer support is okay, but got two different answers from customer service. One person was not very helpful and another was excellent.

I think their app works quite well overall and I’ve found the push notifications to be reliable. Otherwise, I wouldn’t say anything particularly stands out in a good or bad way. Currently prefer their app to some of the other big banks.


I had fun with NatWest yesterday, because I have quite bad eyes, I struggle to see Cora as the text is far too small. It seems like they’ve not heard of text size in accessibility either. It does nothing for Cora, which I think it’s because it’s a mini website in the app

Text size, I took it to the extreme for the test

NatWest need to build in Cora properly so it respects the size. Monzo do, even if it’s a little broken

FD behaves itself in the chat

Not to mention that they were a bit weird when it comes to sharing stuff with them

I sent them a screenshot of my app on Twitter DM, Which is completely private and they seem to think it’s public for some reason

Yeah it was painfully slow for me to load, is definitely an embedded chat, which is weird as I’m sure it wasn’t always like that.

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I guess my point is, FD’s chat is also embedded (I think) yet that respects accessibility, Natwests can’t for some reason

Hopefully the chat bot will be compatibility with iOS text size in the near future

Question guys,

My credit card has disappeared off my mobile banking but I still have a balance?

Any ideas or worth calling NatWest?

Mine has too but still shows in online banking, so seems to be something their end.

They quietly exited out of BNPL market


Bye now, pay later :wave:


I noticed that, I wonder if it didn’t get much use or the regulatory changes made it unviable.

Currently I have a complaint in with NatWest after it turns out their balance transfer system thinks my UK issues Lloyds credit card is an international Irish issued card. I’ve never even been to Ireland.

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Bye now, pay now.


To be fair it was a bit crap.

Digital/virtual only, had to be high value spend, and very low overall credit line.

I had it for a bit and closed it, as I could not ever remember to use it.

A flop. But also maybe them realising that splitting payments is not why klarna is popular. (Merchant integrations). Or why Monzo flex is popular. (Monzo UX and budgeting).

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Splitting payments can also be dangerous leading people into thinking they can afford something they can’t

But that stands true for any BNPL product

I never had an issue with Klarna when I used them, but I can see how people might

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I was on a website the other day.

Trainers were £100 (example) to buy with my money, but I’d get them for £50 if I used their BNPL.

If I was younger, or naive should I say, I’d have gone for it, it’s crazy to incentivise debt in this form.

I think it was Sports Direct.

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What about giving £1200 credit limit to an 18 year old? Thankfully, I’ve paid it off in full today and my interest free period ends next week.

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Anyone received the new purple debit card yet?

For RBS yes!