Monzo Plus – you asked us to make it simpler, so we’ve created bundles

I’m happy to pay £20 if you can offer nearly same package as Nationwide FlexPlus

In my mind, the interest payment I would get would counteract a good portion of the Plus price, so I was happy.

It wasn’t necessarily the best rate you’ll ever find, but for the convenience factor of not churning around monthly, it tipped things more in its favour.


Yep. You’re a lucky chap. For most people though…

Just noticed that there are only two bundles available now. The home bundle has been completely removed, it’s missing from the app and has also been removed from their website, now they are only advertising the supporter bundle and the traveller bundle. Can anyone from Monzo update us on this?


So since moving my main account over to Nationwide (which I wish was as much as a breeze i’d anticipated due to direct debit setup issues) I haven’t really kept up to date much with Plus, because it’s initial pitch lacked pretty much anything I would personally deem ‘worth it’.

I recently checked up to see what, if anything, had changed.

I just wrote a big post but after going to fact check what I was saying on the Monzo Plus page, and I might be going mad here, but I’m sure there were 3 packages there the other day? I can only see ‘The Supporter’ and ‘The Traveller’ ones now. I also thought The Traveller was a bit more expensive than it is displayed now?

Hi Mark! Well spotted.
There’s a general Plus update on a few points (including this) on the way. More info shortly :slightly_smiling_face:





Is the plus update coming today?

Just trying to get that confirmed from the Plus team for you :crossed_fingers:


Hey all,

We’ve removed The Home bundle because of a bug we found this morning: some key information was missing from the sign-up flow. This wasn’t something we could easily fix—it requires an app release—so we decided to remove The Home entirely for now.

We should have more to share with you soon (hopefully tomorrow!)


Just to confirm: the Traveller has not changed in price. All we’ve changed today is removing The Home :+1:


Does this mean it will be re-added? Also, what does this mean for people already on The Home bundle?

Any info on if we can select a payment date yet or is it still going to be on the date we sign up?

If we can’t select a billing date and I choose to cancel my current plus plan and go for one of the bundles will I still be billed on the same date or on the date I start the new plan?

If you cancel and subscribe to the new plan you will be billed on the date you signed up.

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Why release then?

The feedback on here clearly shows there is no rush for this mess so a few more days would not have made any difference.


Don’t quite follow the problem.

  1. bundle released
  2. bug identified
  3. bundle removed
  4. app update will fix it

Not sure why that reply was deserved?


It’s not really a bug, is it? They missed some information from the sign up flow.

This is the sort of thing that should be have Ben spotted before release; probably by the compliance team. It’s indicative of another rushed release.


I agree. But two wrongs don’t make a right.


Something something human error happens.


That’s why you have Compliance people.

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