I’d like to see the ones that would be accessible to most users, therefore giving the biggest potential for growth. That would be in card vending machines and cash deposits in all the major supermarkets, even their local convenience versions, and post offices.
Ah yes, the MoneyBox and Scrummy integrations. I hadn’t forgotten them, just included @bailey’s API Projects thread for simplicity. Everything listed there is already in development or at least waiting for version 1 of the API to be finalise. That said if we want them all listed here too individually there’s
and also
If it came down personal preferences of just one, then I’d like to see 24 hour availability of cash deposits in supermarkets. The reason being is whether we like it or not cash is still an enormous part of our financial lives. Even for those who don’t like dealing with it (myself included) will be given cash by someone from time to time so we’ll need an easily accessible means of depositing that cash.