Monzo Labs: Improved Card Security

you’d be prompted by the card reader to enter your PIN, you wouldn’t need to look at your phone

Thanks. That sounds OK for me. It wasn’t quite clear to me in the Monzo email.

It was mentioned above that you actually do support contactless & PIN when a card is used in a market that supports it (ie, in a market that supports online PIN verification). In that case, will the push notification say “Declined. Please use contactless & PIN” instead of “Declined. Please use Chip & PIN”?

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I’m not sure you’d get a decline, as I think the terminal would prompt you for your PIN before completing the transaction. So it’s should be smoother in that you don’t have to ‘redo’ the transaction. Pure conjecture on my part based on what I’ve read, I’ve never encountered one of these myself.

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I paid using Google Pay for something over £30 yesterday, but I had to authenticate with PIN or fingerprint on my phone and try again. Not sure if it was related to the card security feature (I didn’t think mobile payments were included) or Google Pay itself?

I’ve just tried 6 contactless transactions one after the other to make sure our custom software works properly with SCA, but none declined?

I’ve also noticed in the latest blog that it mentions only after £100 of contactless, so does that mean there’s no 5 times limit?

I have improved card security on in labs and the latest Android beta.

That’s an existing thing not related to new regulations

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We’re only using the £100 limit. If you want to test DM your email to me and i can set your usage to £99


So there was a Starling email about this, their limits are 5 transactions or £135… I assume the £100 limit is if you don’t have the 5 transaction limit on as well?

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Hi Thomas

I see from an email today that Starling have gone for 5 payments or £135, not £100

Do you know what is up with that difference?


That’s how Google Pay has always(?) worked.

It’ll be interesting how Google Pay transactions £30 or less will be handled now though. At the moment these just require your screen to be on and not unlocked.

Edit: ignore me! :persevere:

Yeah, I get that, but if:

then why is it £100 at Monzo, but £135 at Starling, when the latter seems closer to the €150 limit actually passed from the EU?

That is what I was actually enquiring (or at least trying to!) of @thomas

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Maybe monzo are factoring in the value of Sterling by the end of October


Lolz, maybe!

Having removed friction with Contactless payments, ten or more years ago, friction is being reintroduced to an extent.

Let’s be clear. This new initiative is a scheme to limit bank losses to fraud. It is being marketed as something to benefit the consumer but it is nothing of the sort.


The Revolut solution seems way less annoying: when approaching the limit, a payment would trigger a notification asking if it was us. With a Face ID auth.

Next payment would keep working if we answered.


I was kind of surprised Revolut and N26 didn’t build their own SCA

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I’m wondering if Monzo misread the new directive and thought it was £100 and set their limit to be lower than everyone else’s at the rough equivalent of €150

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Yeah, one does wonder

Ultimately as long as the processing itself works then this is fairly easily “fixable” given that they have already changed from £30 to £100 without much drama