Monzo in the media

Well we’ve all seen how the techies did at running a bank. PayPoint. Original Plus. The replacement to Original Plus. That god-awful payments screen. How about they get the bankers in to have a go?


The paywall blocks all the text, so don’t even know her name, but welcome to the :monzo: community!

In the nicest possible way she looks like a more mature incarnation of 90’s personality Caprice. But probs not her.

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That would be pretty wild if true :grin:

Monzo have got her in to sort out this!


Oh I wish! :crossed_fingers:

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Quite a length to go to in order to sort some direct debits, but hats off to them :joy:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Starling Discussion: Part 2

I actually thought it was a fair article… I’m not a fan of The Spectator but couldn’t help agreeing with some of their points.

Is “demolition job” a bit much? In what context is it a demolition job?

Just seen that the upgrade tab at the bottom of my app has disappeared.

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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - November 2020

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Topic has been opened again and I’ve removed some posts which didn’t belong here.

Feel free to post mentions of Monzo in the media but anything that doesn’t relate will be removed.

:newspaper: :white_check_mark:


So what do you have? Still 4?

Home - Payments - ? - Help

I have read The Telegraph article with interest.

I see that Monzo recommends that turning off marketing (switch in app) prevents their marketing.

It’s only today that I see the blue plus card in the app (not a huge deal). But I did receive a marketing email this afternoon from Monzo …even though I’ve always been opted out of marketing.

So something is broken somewhere.


It will be just the 3 I imagine, I only have Home - Payments - Help

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Is it one warning you about impending charge changes with an ad about Plus?

I think there’s some loophole that a lot of companies use that mean if its an update then it’s okay, then they fill the blank space with whatever they wanted to say to start with.

Just the three, like the ol’ days.

I’m in android 11, latest Monzo beta

Nope. It’s a straight marketing email for Plus. Nothing else.

I agree with you in the sense that some companies put out marketing and purport it to be “essential account information”, to get round the law. I’m unsure if there’s an actual loophole. But it is frustrating to be marketed at when you don’t want it.