(Alex Sherwood)
20 April 2017 13:19
Not exactly unfortunately but Monzo share some details on their plans for international expansion in their Crowdcube investment deck , for their last round of fundraising -
Tom (Monzo’s CEO’s) starting to sound slightly concerned about the impact of Brexit on their plans to expand into Europe though
[On Brexit] It’s an annoyance and a hindrance I think. I am struggling to see the positives at the moment. And I can point to some clear negatives. It spooked a bunch of investors for sure.
Secondly, it made many of our existing European staff members very nervous about their future in this country. They don’t feel welcome here anymore. And it’s our ability to recruit new staff.
And thirdly passporting rights. Our license used to be guaranteed to work across 500 million people in two or three years it’s likely it will only work across the UK’s 65 million or whatever the cut-down version of the UK becomes.