🇫🇷 Monzo in France [Discussion]

If you’re going to Paris, finding an ATM shouldn’t be an issue. The MasterCard rate has always been the best rate I’ve gotten vs any currency exchange I’ve tried, so on most of my trips to Europe I just bring my Monzo + other fintech bank cards rather than exchanging money beforehand. I’ve done this for 10+ trips with no problems, even in cash-heavy countries like Croatia.

ATM withdrawals within the EEA are free, so you don’t have to worry about limits. But some ATMs may charge for withdrawals (not a charge by Monzo), so see if you can avoid those. This thread is pretty helpful.

Of course, you may wish to keep some cash on hand if you feel like there will be instances where you won’t be able to access an ATM before you need cash. I usually just keep whatever euros I have left over from my previous trip (€20-50) in case I want to buy food or drinks at the airport or coach interchange upon arrival.