Oh boy. It gets even more surreal.
<boolean name="payments_pay_cheques_in_app" value="false" />
Oh boy. It gets even more surreal.
<boolean name="payments_pay_cheques_in_app" value="false" />
0 voters
Soft Platinum & Deep Navy are nice colours for cards!
Plastic card.
Metal business.
Good call - the mastercard logo gives away the card type.
You can have shiny MasterCard World Elite logo on plastic cards too
You never know, we might get some sort of joint account parity. Or just custom categories. Just the bloody custom categories…
I feel it in my proverbials that good things are coming to joint accounts
(I hope I’ve not jinxed it so that it’s just reopening applications and a fancy new card).
These are still positive ways forward!
I thought of flagging your post so no jinxing could happen - but that’d bring out a whole different set of problems.
JAv2™️ here we come!
No Android update in the app store for me yet. But after last week’s I’m looking forward to seeing what secrets it reveals
So many tantalising teasers recently.
But how (if at all) do they all fit together?
Hopefully news
Yes yes
I’m particularly interested in this:
Phased rollout? I’m still only seeing calendar years in mine. But would be v useful for the tax return.
I imagine probs more for businesses?
My partner has the tax year option on her business account but not on her personal or joint account…
shakes fist at the sky
This is the sort of thing that should just be offered to all account types. I hate artificial constraints!
I know what you mean, but I’ve not personally had to account for my personal spending on a tax year basis… maybe it’s a niche requirement and the overall aim is to keep the app as simple as possible for the majority… just thinking out loud…
With a few things changing (Rewards, Overview activity feed), I was curious to see what changes have been applied to the pushed flags since the release of v5.28.0 last week. So before the next release is, erm, released, here is a quick look.