I’ll let it go this year, after the disastrous 2020 effort!
I’ve been getting ready for Christmas since January, so no it’s never too early 🤷😂
Been paying for Christmas with park1.tv? That takes me back… (Yes, I am not that old)
That’s the advert I remember, only 12 years ago
More baking in my case
Guess this can be marked as ‘Done!’ by the end of the week!
Hey Remi, I’m an Android engineer working at Monzo. This is a very weird bug, I’m sorry about that. Were you using the Pride icon before that or another icon? Does changing icon again from the settings fix the issue?
Hello Romain
That bug was gone in 2 days after I noticed it. So it’s fine now.
It was on Pride logo only
Admiring the Coutts flex
Has anyone had today’s update? I see nothing
Sad times, no @Ordog tear downs anymore Was enjoying seeing what’s coming, so us iOS users can experience the excitement.
So, I haven’t managed to work this out yet, but if I use my flex virtual card, and then don’t change the payment plan, what happens?
Results in 12 month payment option by default.
Don’t suppose anyone has the spare time and know-how to resume doing these teardowns? I used to love the sneak peaks of what Monzo are working on
@davidwalton does them regularly, and shares them to his profile (with the world.hey.com link), and I regularly read/check there!
Here’s the latest:
Oh nice, I had no idea. Thanks @davidwalton for keeping these going!
Which reminds me… I didn’t post the 4.26.0 teardown from last Friday. Lazy
Job done
I also hadn’t known about these continuing. Now added to my RSS feeds
Oooh, I hope that
<boolean name=“monzo_flex_application_open_banking_income_verification” value=“false” />
means that I can verify my salary now (or when they switch it on!). It currently goes into NatWest and the account has been around a few *cough* years and so doesn’t report to the CRAs (and I can’t get them to make it do so apparently), so it’s either that or I CASS my account out.
I wasn’t aware of the newsletter either