The topic I took that from was people complaining about the plus tab.
If a néw one for loans and overdrafts is added, is that not technically the same? There would then be 2 promotion tabs
The topic I took that from was people complaining about the plus tab.
If a néw one for loans and overdrafts is added, is that not technically the same? There would then be 2 promotion tabs
Not if you have loans and overdrafts, then it’s a handy place to see everything
I don’t think it’ll be that though. I’m playing random speculation to delay doing an assignment
The Plus tab is also handy if you have Plus
Hopefully not much longer to wait now either way
Very. I like to check my interest there
I like to see when I have enough for a Freddo
13 posts were split to a new topic: Silly Speculation
And still no Trends for me
I’m on with the teardown now though It’s interesting how they managed to keep this entire (massive) new feature hidden from all the teardowns. Sneaky…
Version 3.94.0 (61.14 MB) - We’ve given our brand new Trends tab to a select few Monzo Plus and Monzo Premium customers to get feedback and develop it properly. Before long, it’ll be available to all Monzo customers to let you see your money in a whole new light. Giving you in-depth insights right there at your fingertips.
New Strings:
<string name="business_signup_company_type_rejection_primary_button">Cancel my application</string>
<string name="open_source_empty">No open-source licence attributions listed</string>
Removed Strings:
<string name="business_signup_company_type_rejection_primary_button">Okay</string>
<string name="pot_item_deposit_subtitle_legacy">Added to Pot</string>
<string name="pot_item_withdrawal_subtitle_legacy">Withdrawn from Pot</string>
<string name="transaction_pot_info_deposit">Added to Pot</string>
<string name="transaction_pot_info_deposit_delay">Added to your interest-earning Pot, powered by %s. You’ll start earning interest on the next working day.</string>
<string name="transaction_pot_info_withdrawal">Withdrawn from Pot</string>
<string name="transaction_pot_info_withdrawal_savings_delay">Powered by %s. Withdrawals should arrive in your account by 5pm the next working day.</string>
<string name="usa_signup_outro_action">Go to your US account</string>
<string name="usa_signup_outro_message">You’ve set up your US account and your new card is on its way. Once it arrives, open the Monzo app to activate it.</string>
<string name="usa_signup_outro_title">Your Monzo US card is on its way</string>
New IDs
<item type="id" name="contextualHelpMainActionButton" />
<item type="id" name="contextualHelpMainActionHeader" />
<item type="id" name="contextualHelpTopicActionButton" />
<item type="id" name="iconsLayout" />
<item type="id" name="potAccountItemDetailView" />
<item type="id" name="potMultipleImagesItemDetailView" />
Removed IDs:
<item type="id" name="contextualHelpActionButton" />
<item type="id" name="contextualHelpActionHeader" />
<item type="id" name="welcomeViewPager" />
New Assets:
Changed Assets:
Deleted Assets:
Deep Links were taken out of the app ages ago, they were the best indicator of what was to come. Now it’s all server-side flags which are switched on as and when required & trigger the app core code to react accordingly.
The only remaining clue section now is probably the assets, as the Strings and ID’s haven’t pointed to anything substantial for a while either.
bit late this week…
A very quick bug fix!
EDIT: the biggest change in 3.95.1 seems to be the removal of a LOT of ‘desktop.ini’ files which were included in the compiled 3.95.0 app folders.
New, large ‘Add scheduled payment’ button appeared at the bottom of the Payments → Scheduled tab after upgrading to 3.96.0 (both Joint and Personal accounts):
Possibly initiated by the change to the feature-flag:
<boolean name="design_system_based_scheduled_payments_enabled" value="true" />
Yep got this too!
I had it in 3.95.0
And got this new button now on the account selector screen for Trends:
It deselected my joint account again though!
The same format of box popped up in Trends to make a custom category too.
Now if only Joint accounts could process custom categories…
They really need to
I am really torn whether custom categories for joint accounts or bulk changing categories is more important for me.
I am leaning towards the latter!
He’s probably busy filling 100 hot air balloons with gas