Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

It wasn’t very exciting this week or last

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General improvements I think. The speed the home button switches accounts is noticeably faster and smoother for me, for example.

I’m happy they’re tidying things up and optimising :slight_smile:

Has anyone noticed the text size looks bigger in places?

Some bits are cut off and the larger size looks janky on my tiny screen. I’ve asked on Twitter, but silence…

I’m partially sighted so have the text size on my decide set to large. This has always been an issue for me in the Monzo app, things are constantly getting cut off. It seems like their text overflow doesn’t work well.

:tada: Highlights – Version: 3.6.0 :tada:

Disclaimer: things below are subject to change, could just be tests or might be reverted!

<boolean name="profile_and_settings_v2_enabled" value="false" />
Expand for a preview…


Expand for a preview…


Expand for a preview…


Some lovely art in that editorial.


Typo in the second sentence of the atm explanation methinks.

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Maybe they did ask them out though

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Wow the editorial looks really good

Where was my invite? Left on the shelf again :joy:

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There seems to be some text that you can’t see.

You can see some when you scroll up a bit

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Do you have a deep link for that new profile page? :heart_eyes:


It’s a feature flag as opposed to a deep link :wink:

That page is still being tinkered with but hopefully it won’t be too long before it’s ready to switch on :grin:


All the buttons currently crash the app, fun to play with, but not useful yet.

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Bit late on this particular Thursday, but 3.7.0 has just dropped on Beta


can’t see any difference on the surface this week at first glance of this

iOS (App Store version, not sure about TestFlight) is still on 3.5.1. There wasn’t an update on Monday so maybe 3.6 has been skipped and it’ll be straight to 3.7 this coming Monday.

Current iOS TestFlight version:

So should be with you :monzo: :soon:

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Rather earlier than last Thursday, the new 3.8.0 beta is in the Google Play Store now

Nothing particularly obvious has changed, and I never had the keyboard issue on my phone

I am sure advances continue below the surface!

I do appear to have a new simpler ? icon for the third tab though :slight_smile:

A bit of polishing I guess