Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Not being picky but Hot Chip needs a wig shop in that case, not the hairdresser




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I really want it as a full picture and use it for something like an “eating out” pot!

Often stalkerware will root the phone , also people buying 2nd hand phones might not know it’s rooted, I feel like there should be some more explanation just in case.


@emmag The root detection is a really good idea - however I think there should at least be a more info button or similar to help customers, which as you suggested may not know it’s been tampered with / rooted, find out what to do next. It’s just telling them they may have a tampered with device and their security is compromised without any explanation or further steps.


Wouldn’t people just google then and find out what it means?


You’re saying that as an advanced user. I think people would worry about it and at the least your bank presenting a message about insecurity isn’t going to make them feel Monzo is ‘safe’. Monzo can’t delegate their responsibility to provide support to Google.

But if you’ve a rooted phone, the Monzo app is compromised and by showing this message they’re letting a customer know (and covering their own arses if money goes missing).

I’d say it is good that your bank is making you aware before a potential problem.

Edit: autocorrect fun :joy:



Anyway, I don’t think anyone is claiming that showing a message is a bad thing to do. Just that the wording currently used, without any pointers of where to get more information could panic users that are less tech savvy.

As stated above, not everyone will be aware that they have a rooted phone, and I would assume that there is the possibility that some manufacturers OS modifications could potentially result in the device being picked up as a “tampered with” device (just an assumption, without any knowledge of how the detection works).

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Exactly what I mean, thank you

Ah sorry, I see what you mean. Yeah if someone bought a phone not realising it’s rooted it would be good to signpost them to some more info.

This is fair - we actually were hoping to do the below, where “Tell me more” is a link to the Help section of the app, to an article specifically about this. That way, affected users could go read more. Unfortunately, the content didn’t make it in time for this week’s release. It’ll come in a subsequent release, so this experience is improved upon :blush:



That’s much better

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A great iteration and will really help those users who weren’t aware, especially as you mentioned it may not be 100% reliable.

:tada: NEW – Version: 2.64.0 :tada:

Disclaimer: things below are subject to change, could just be tests or might be reverted!

Authentication & Security:

<boolean name="device_verification_enabled" value="false" />

<string name="device_verification_warning_action">Tell me more</string>
<string name="device_verification_warning_dismiss">Okay</string>
<string name="device_verification_warning_message">This phone may have been rooted or otherwise tampered with, to bypass its security features. That means there’s an increased risk of someone else getting access to your Monzo account.</string>
<string name="device_verification_warning_title">You’re using Monzo on a modified phone</string>
<boolean name="sca_enhanced_card_security" value="false" />
<string name="connected_app_expired">Verification required</string>
<string name="connected_app_ongoing">Ongoing session</string>
<string name="connected_apps_overview_title">Manage Apps</string>
<string name="connected_apps_refresh_action">Refresh permissions</string>
<string name="connected_apps_refresh_button">Refresh</string>
<string name="connected_apps_refresh_info">You will need to authenticate regularly to continue allowing third party apps to access your Monzo account.</string>
<string name="connected_apps_refresh_permissions_title">Refresh permissions</string>
<string name="pin_entry_enter_pin_accessible">Enter your card’s 4-digit PIN</string>

<string name="upgrade_session_pin_title_accessible">Enter your card PIN</string>

Monzo Plus:

<string name="monzo_plus_relaunch_carousel">blue_card</string>
<string name="monzo_plus_bundle_basket_fast_track">disabled</string>
<string name="monzo_plus_bundle_flow">double_upsell</string>

I don’t like the idea of Monzo upselling me anything, it doesn’t sound like a trustworthy thing to do.

<string name="monzo_plus_manage_add_bundle">Add bundle</string>

<string name="monzo_plus_onboarding_success_body_has_bundles">Go to Home to get information about your new features.</string>
<string name="monzo_plus_onboarding_success_has_bundles">You’ve added another bundle to Monzo Plus</string>


<string name="overdraft_intro_learn_more">Learn More</string>
<string name="overdraft_intro_point_one">No hidden fees</string>
<string name="overdraft_intro_point_three">Change your limit anytime</string>
<string name="overdraft_intro_point_two">Turn it on for free and only pay if you use it</string>
<string name="overdraft_intro_subtitle">Sometimes you might run low and need a safety net. If that happens, we can help you out with an overdraft.</string>
<string name="overdraft_intro_title">Overdrafts from Monzo</string>

<string name="overdraft_setup_enable_button">Turn On Overdraft</string>
<string name="overdraft_setup_item_change_anytime">Change your limit anytime</string>
<string name="overdraft_setup_item_ear">You get %1$s EAR variable</string>
<string name="overdraft_setup_item_only_pay_for_use">Only pay for what you use</string>
<string name="overdraft_setup_no_thanks">No Thanks</string>


<boolean name="us_partner_spending_enabled" value="false" />

Other Changes:

<boolean name="cash_referral_give_get_0" value="false" />

<string name="cant_find_transaction">I can’t find the transaction</string>

<string name="chat_continue_button_selected">Continue (%s selected)</string>

<string name="design_monzo_card_content_description_empty">%1$s card</string>
<string name="design_monzo_card_content_description_full">%1$s card, card number %2$s, expiry %3$s</string>
<string name="design_monzo_card_content_description_masked">%1$s card, ending %2$s, expiry %3$s</string>

<string name="feed_empty_state_description">Your transactions will show here once you’ve made your first payment, or receive money.</string>
<string name="feed_empty_state_title">No transactions yet</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_get_paid_early_title">Get Paid Early</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_get_paid_early_trustpilot_current_score">8.8</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_get_paid_early_trustpilot_max_score"> / 10</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_paid_early_bullet1">Your payday comes a day sooner.</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_paid_early_bullet2">Get 1.63% (AER, variable) interest on your savings.</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_paid_early_bullet3">Seperate out your spending, saving and bills for better budgeting.</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_paid_early_bullet4">Monzo is 4x better than other UK banks at stopping card fraud.</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_paid_early_subtitle">Get your salary paid into Monzo, and we’ll advance you the money the day before it’s due. No hassle, no charge. Easy.</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_paid_early_title">Want to get paid a day early?</string>
<string name="signup_add_salary_wait_for_your_money_title">Wait for your money</string>
<string name="unboxing_action_got_it">Got it!</string>
<string name="unboxing_action_next">Next</string>
<string name="unboxing_makeover_action">See what’s new</string>
<string name="unboxing_makeover_content">Your Monzo app looks a little different, with some new ways to manage your money.</string>
<string name="unboxing_makeover_title">We’ve had a makeover</string>
<string name="unboxing_page_1_body">Swipe between your Monzo accounts, Pots, and any other linked accounts.</string>
<string name="unboxing_page_1_title">Swipe around</string>
<string name="unboxing_page_2_body">Move between a detail view of one account, and an overview of all your money in a flash.</string>
<string name="unboxing_page_2_title">See an overview</string>
<string name="unboxing_page_3_body">Find out about all of the great things you can do with Monzo.</string>
<string name="unboxing_page_3_title">Discover more of Monzo</string>
<string name="exo_controls_vr_description">VR mode</string> !!

I very much doubt Monzo will be using this functionality, either way, still hilarious to see in a banking app :joy:


monzo://unboxing (preview above)


2.64.2 (:android:) arrived overnight. I’ve no idea what the incremental release fixes or introduces though. The ‘remove connected credit cards’ bug is still there. Maybe a hidden pay-from-pot improvement?

Something related to SCA probably since the deadline is in a few days.

And perhaps some mystery things too :crystal_ball:

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Badger pay :crossed_fingers: