Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Version: 2.38.0 :tada:



<string name="borrowing_hub_eligible_loan_body">"Flexible loans at %s representative APR

<string name="borrowing_hub_eligible_loan_subtitle">You’re pre-approved</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_eligible_loan_title">Get a loan up to %1$s</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_eligible_overdraft_subtitle">Get an overdraft up to %1$s</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_eligible_overdraft_text">Choose your own limit. There’s no fees for the first £20. After that, it’s 50p a day, no matter how overdrawn you go.</string>

<string name="borrowing_hub_ineligible_overdraft_subtitle">Find out why</string>

<string name="borrowing_hub_pending_loan_title">Your loan is coming soon</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_spread_the_cost_body">Spend ÂŁ200 to ÂŁ1000 and get the money back. Repay over 3 to 12 months at %1$s representative APR.</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_spread_the_cost_subtitle">Get a loan to spread the cost</string>
<string name="borrowing_hub_spread_the_cost_title">Stretched your budget?</string>

Bunch of wording changes :slight_smile: Makes things clearer to the user, etc. :blush:

<string name="card_action_borrowing_hub_subtitle">See your borrowing options</string>
<string name="card_action_borrowing_hub_title">Learn about loans and overdrafts</string>

Even more word changes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


<string name="chat_check_status_page">Check status page</string>

<string name="chat_status_message">Customer support is really busy at the moment, so it’s taking longer than usual to get back to you. We’re working really hard to respond as quickly as possible, so please bear with us. Thanks again for the patience!</string>

Monzo Chat sees a little addition, a string which will display if COps are under immense load :eyes: I hope it doesn’t get used often :see_no_evil:

Energy Switching

<string name="energy_quote_big_6">Big 6</string>
<string name="energy_quote_cheap_subtitle">Cheaper than the %s’s standard tariffs.</string>
<string name="energy_quote_cheap_title">Switch and save money</string>

Some more details around the “Big 6”.

<string name="energy_quote_remind_later">Remind me later</string>

<string name="energy_reminder_interstitial_action">Set a reminder</string>
<string name="energy_reminder_interstitial_body">Don’t have time right now? No problem. We’ll send you a reminder so you can switch your energy provider later.</string>
<string name="energy_reminder_interstitial_title">Set a reminder</string>
<string name="energy_reminder_set_success_subtitle">We’ll send you a notification so you don’t forget to switch.</string>
<string name="energy_reminder_set_success_title">All done</string>
<string name="energy_reminders_sheet_title">When should we send you a reminder?</string>

And a reminder button if you’re not quite ready to switch energy supplier yet :slight_smile:

<string name="energy_use_day_night_options">My bill shows day and night use</string>
<string name="energy_use_electricity_day_hint">Add your annual day use (kWh)</string>
<string name="energy_use_electricity_hint">Add your annual use (kWh)</string>
<string name="energy_use_electricity_night_hint">Add your annual night use (kWh)</string>
<string name="energy_use_electricity_title">Electricity</string>
<string name="energy_use_gas_hint">Add your annual use (kWh)</string>
<string name="energy_use_gas_title">Gas</string>
<string name="energy_use_instructions">You should be able to find your <b>annual energy use</b> on your latest bill.</string>
<string name="energy_use_only_one_option">My bill only shows one option</string>
<string name="energy_use_submit">Submit</string>
<string name="energy_use_title">Your energy use</string>

Looks like we’ll be able to add our actual usage to the quote generator :hot_coral_heart:

<string name="gambling_block_disable_action">Chat with us</string>

:eyes: Something has been removed from the gambling block…

<string name="locked_title">Locked</string>

A new title for locked pots :slight_smile: Not sure where it’ll live but I’ll see if I can find out!

<string name="manage_connected_apps_title">Manage Apps</string>

<string name="settings_connected_apps">Manage Apps</string>
<string name="settings_connected_apps_title">Apps</string>

This looks fun! :eyes:

<string name="payments_title_move_money">Move Money</string>

Spelling mistake fixed :joy: (was previously “moony” :laughing:)

Premium Subscription

<string name="premium_subscription_expiration_on_date">Your subscription will expire on %s.</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_monthly_on_date">Monthly on the %s</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_renewal_for_length_on_date" formatted="false">Your subscription will renew for %s on %s.</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_section_manage">Manage</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_section_manage_autorenew_title">Auto-renew when plan ends</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_section_payments">Payments</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_section_payments_remaining_title">Total left to pay</string>
<string name="premium_subscription_yearly_on_date">Yearly on %s</string>

Looks like a bunch is happening here :tada:

<string name="profile_premium_subscriptions_description">Manage your subscription</string>
<string name="profile_premium_subscriptions_pending_button">Add money</string>
<string name="profile_premium_subscriptions_pending_message_monthly">Get your Monzo Plus extras when you add %s or more to cover your first monthly payment.</string>
<string name="profile_premium_subscriptions_pending_message_yearly">Get your Monzo Plus extras when you add %s or more to cover your first yearly payment.</string>
<string name="profile_premium_subscriptions_pending_title">"We haven’t charged
you yet"</string>
<string name="profile_premium_subscriptions_pending_toolbar_title">Monzo Plus</string>

Even more Monzo premium - they’re serious about it :eyes:

Email change?

<string name="profile_email_same_address_message">You’ve entered the same email address as you’re currently using with yout account.</string>
<string name="profile_email_same_address_title">Same email address</string>
<string name="profile_email_suggestion_message">"You wrote '%1$s', but did you mean '%2$s' instead?"</string>
<string name="profile_email_suggestion_replace">Use %s</string>
<string name="profile_email_suggestion_title">"Did you mean '%1$s'?"</string>
<string name="profile_enter_email_hint">New email address</string>
<string name="profile_enter_email_prompt">"Please enter the email address
you’d like to use with your account"</string>
<string name="profile_enter_valid_email_error">Please enter a valid email address</string>

<string name="profile_update_email_dialog_message">If you want to update your email address, please chat with our customer support.</string>
<string name="profile_update_email_dialog_title">Want to update?</string>
<string name="profile_update_email_title">Update email address</string>

Are we finally able to change our own emails from within the app?! :eyes: (I will test this)


<string name="rewards_label">Rewards</string>

Who doesn’t like rewards? :wink:

<string name="shared_tab_add_recurring_bills_title">Add recurring bills</string>

Hmm, I wonder what this will do? :eyes:


<string name="deep_link_account_tab">account</string>
<string name="deep_link_legacy_card_tab">card</string>

The account tab’s deeplink is now called “account” instead of “card” - sensible name :grin: But there’s now a legacy deeplink :joy:

<string name="deep_link_pin_recovery_start">pin_recovery_start</string>
<string name="deep_link_your_monzo">your_monzo</string>

New deeplink for pin recovery and YOUR MONZO :eyes: (I’m very interested in the latter, can you tell? :wink:)


New! :tada:

Lovely! :hot_coral_heart: New Hot Chip with balloons :yum: and a reminder bell (I believe it’s for the energy quoting).

Feature Flags:
<boolean name="custom_pot_images_enabled" value="false" /> - New :sparkles:
<boolean name="email_update_enabled" value="false" /> - New :sparkles:
<boolean name="graphql_iapi_bizops_user_events_panel" value="false" /> - New :sparkles:
<boolean name="loan_picker_v2_enabled" value="false" /> - New :sparkles:

<boolean name="graphql_iapi_bizops_card_panel" value="false" /> - Removed :boom: