Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Version: 2.36.1

Changelog: Monzo for Android - Beta Channel Changelog 🕵


<boolean name="truelayer" value="false" /> - New :sparkles:
<boolean name="account_v2_enabled" value="true" /> - Changed :boom: (Rollout basis)

String Changes:

<string name="locked_pot_unlock_message">If you do, we’ll move all the money back into your main balance and close this Pot.</string>

<string name="locked_pot_unlock_title">Are you sure you want to unlock this Pot?</string>
<string name="pot_detail_unlock_title">Unlock Pot and withdraw</string>

<string name="unlock_pot_action">Yes, unlock and close this Pot</string>
<string name="unlock_pot_dismiss">No, keep it locked</string>

Locked pots are the only changes in this release, as far as I can see :wink:

Matches exactly what I’ve covered in this thread: Unlocking your own Monzo Pot 🔓 :hot_coral_heart: