Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

:tada: NEW – Version: 3.2.0 :tada:

Disclaimer: things below are subject to change, could just be tests or might be reverted!

New Assets:

Click to view…

– bills_pot_no_scheduled_payments
– bills_pots_intro
– ic_pot
icn_shield – icn_shield
– multiuser_business_cards


<boolean name="android_pot_details_v2_enabled" value="false" />

<boolean name="bills_pots_left_to_pay_enabled" value="false" />
<string name="bills_pot_intro_body">"Never spend your rent money on pizza again. Put money aside into a Pot, pick the bill you want to pay from that Pot, and when the time comes we'll automatically pay them for you. No hassle."</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_button">"Let's Go!"</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_button">Find out more</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_four_body">Unfortunately Bills Pots won’t work for other kinds of payments, like Netflix or Spotify subscriptions. We hope to be able to do this in future though!</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_four_title">This only works for Direct Debits and standing orders</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_one_body">Pay bills from Pots, so you can keep your bill money separate from your spending money and never accidentally overspend.</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_one_title">Bills from Pots</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_three_body">We’ll take as much as we can from the Pot and then take the difference from your main balance. If there’s still not enough to cover it, the payment will bounce or you’ll go into your overdraft, if you have one (that’s the same as if you were paying from your main balance and didn’t have enough money in your account).</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_three_title">If you don’t have enough in your Pot</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_two_body">"Find your bills in the Scheduled section of your Payments tab, then pick a Pot to pay from. Make sure you’ve got enough money in the Pot to cover the bills for that month, and that’s it! When it’s time to pay, we’ll automatically take the money from your Pot and pay the bill. You don’t need to do anything."</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_section_two_title">How to pay a bill from a Pot</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_find_out_more_title">How it works</string>
<string name="bills_pot_intro_title">Pay your bills from Pots</string>
<string name="bills_pot_payment_selection_empty_state_body">Start paying bills and standing orders in a few taps. Put money aside into a pot Automatically pay your bills and get notified when your bills change, all from your phone.</string>
<string name="bills_pot_payment_selection_empty_state_title">"You don't have any scheduled payments…"</string>
<string name="pay_from_pot_empty_state_action">Create a Pot</string>
<string name="pay_from_pot_empty_state_body">You can only pay bills from Regular Pots, not Savings Pots. Create a Pot to set money aside for this bill.</string>
<string name="pay_from_pot_empty_state_title">Create a Pot to pay this bill</string>

<string name="pay_from_pot_selection_confirmation_subtitle_no_selections">"From now on, we won't pay any bills from your %1$s."</string>

<string name="pot_details_left_to_pay_period">%1$s - %2$s</string>
<string name="pot_details_left_to_pay_title">Left to pay</string>


<boolean name="loan_routing_enabled" value="false" />

<boolean name="new_navigation_manage_loan_v2_enabled" value="true" /> (was false)

<string name="loan_application_polling_body">This should only take a few seconds</string>
<string name="loan_application_polling_title">Checking what we could offer you…</string>

<string name="overdraft_change_limit_primary_button">Confirm %1$s Limit</string>

<string name="overdraft_offer_what_is_ear_body">"Effective annual rate (EAR) is the rate of interest you’ll pay if you’re overdrawn for a year. You’ll pay interest on the amount you’re overdrawn by, and on the interest that builds up from being overdrawn. So you’ll pay less if you regularly pay off your overdraft. EAR doesn’t include other fees, like hidden or late fees – but we don’t charge these anyway. The representative example shows the rate we’d reasonably expect to offer to at least 51% of people who get an overdraft with us. The rate you see in the box is the personalised rate that we can offer you."</string>
<string name="overdraft_offer_what_is_ear_title">What is EAR?</string>


<boolean name="us_partner_bank_statements_enabled" value="true" /> (was false)

Authentication & Security:

<string name="sca_approaching_limit_notification">enabled</string>


<string name="business_multiuser_access_level_admin_subheading">Members will have full access.</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_access_level_admin_title">Admin</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_access_level_view_and_make_payments_subheading">Coming soon…</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_access_level_view_and_make_payments_title">View and make payments</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_access_level_view_only_subheading">Coming soon…</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_access_level_view_only_title">View only</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_choose_access_level_image_caption">Shield Image</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_choose_access_level_title">Choose access level</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_tour_next_button">Next</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_tour_page_1_body">"Give others access to the %s business account. They’ll be able to make payments and bank transfers, and see all of the incoming and outgoing payments."</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_tour_page_1_title">Add team members</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_tour_page_2_body">"Whoever you add will have full admin access, just like you do. This means they can make changes to account details as well as close down the account with the other admins’ approval."</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_tour_page_2_title">Only add people you trust</string>
<string name="business_multiuser_tour_primary_button">Add Team Member</string>


<string name="account_management_title">Account</string>

<string name="card_management_header_limits_and_controls">Limits &amp; Controls</string>

<string name="card_management_header_new_card">New card</string>

<string name="card_not_active_error">Card %s not active</string>
<string name="card_not_found_error">Card not found</string>

<string name="copy_card_number_fingerprint_auth_subtitle">Confirm fingerprint to copy your card number</string>
<string name="copy_card_number_fingerprint_auth_title">Copy card number</string>
<string name="copy_card_number_pin_auth_title">Copy card number</string>
<string name="copy_card_number_subtitle">Copy my card number</string>




