NEW – Version: 2.58.0
Disclaimer: things below are subject to change, could just be tests or might be reverted!
Feature Flag Changes:
<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_OakNorth_2019_07_12_Fixed" value="true" />
<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_Charter_2019_07_22_Easy_Access" value="true" />
<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_Charter_2019_07_22_Fixed" value="true" />
<boolean name="support_advance_overdraft_payment_details" value="false" />
<boolean name="business_partner_perks_enabled" value="false" />
US payment related:
<boolean name="us_partner_ach_pull_enabled" value="false" />
I can’t see this in app yet:
<boolean name="monzo_plus_product_contents-insurance-uj" value="true" />
This is one I’m defintely looking forward too!
<boolean name="payments_from_pots_enabled" value="false" />
<boolean name="sca_login" value="false" />
Experimant Flag Changes:
<string name="travel_insurance_naming">travel</string>
Asset Changes:
– card_activation_pan_pebble_grey
– ic_airport_lounge
– ic_borrowing
– ic_detail_card
– ic_emergency_card
– ic_hourglass
– phone_card_nfc_pebble_grey
Notable String Changes:
<string name="account_external_card_balance_last_updated">Last updated %1$s</string>
More US payment strings:
<string name="ach_pull_button_format">Transfer %s</string>
<string name="ach_pull_info_format">This transfer will come from your %s bank account. Visit help to change account.</string>
<string name="ach_pull_prompt">How much would you like to transfer?</string>
<string name="ach_pull_success_subtitle">Your transfer will reach your account approximately on the %s</string>
<string name="ach_pull_success_title">Transfer request successful</string>
<string name="ach_pull_title">Bank Transfer</string>
<string name="ach_pull_webview_title">Link account</string>
<string name="add_money_option_ach_pull_desc">Link your bank and transfer within the Monzo app.</string>
<string name="add_money_option_ach_pull_title">Linked account</string>
It looks like even more Monzo plus features are just around the corner:
<string name="bundle_info_airport_lounge_description">Get discounted access to 1,200 airport lounges around the world.</string>
<string name="bundle_info_airport_lounge_title">Airport lounges</string>
<string name="bundle_info_button_text">I want this for %s a month</string>
<string name="bundle_info_emergency_card_description">Get a spare Monzo card in case you lose yours while you’re away.</string>
<string name="bundle_info_emergency_card_title">Emergency debit card</string>
Say hello to the metal Monzo card!
<string name="bundle_info_metal_card_description">Say hello to the metal Monzo card. Complete with a Snowdrift White finish.</string>
<string name="bundle_info_metal_card_title">The metal card</string>
<string name="bundle_info_small_print">You’ll get all this for %s a month for 12 months, which we’ll add on to your monthly Monzo Plus payment.</string>
<string name="bundle_info_subtitle">Monzo Plus</string>
<string name="bundle_info_title">What you’ll get</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_body_both">Say hello to the metal Monzo card. Complete with a Snowdrift White finish.</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_body_monthly">Say hello to the metal Monzo card. Complete with a Snowdrift White finish. <br><br> It’s <b>%s a month for 12 months</b>, which we’ll add on to your monthly Monzo Plus payment.</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_body_one_off">Say hello to the metal Monzo card. Complete with a Snowdrift White finish. <br><br> It’s yours for a <b>one off payment of %s</b>.</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_button_text_both">I want one</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_button_text_monthly">I want one for %s a month</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_button_text_one_off">I want one for %s</string>
<string name="card_only_intro_title">The metal one</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_body">Pick how you’d like to pay for your metal card.</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_button_text">Continue</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_monthly_description">%s a month for 12 months</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_monthly_title">Monthly</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_one_off_description">%1$s (save %2$s)</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_one_off_title">One-off payment</string>
<string name="card_only_price_options_title">Your payment</string>
<string name="final_screen_body">"We’re testing some things before we send out the first metal cards. We want to find a fair price for everyone. We haven’t taken payment from you but we’ll let you know as soon as the cards are ready. You’ll be one of the first to get one!"</string>
<string name="final_screen_body_bundled">"We’re testing some things before we can give you these new features. We want to find a fair price for everyone. We haven’t taken payment from you but we’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready. You’ll be one of the first to get them!"</string>
<string name="final_screen_button_text">Done</string>
<string name="final_screen_title">We need you to wait a little longer</string>
<string name="metal_card_title">Monzo Plus</string>
<string name="business_perks_header">Offers for your business</string>
<string name="business_perks_title">See what’s available</string>
<string name="overdraft_fee_breakdown_daily_fee_item_subtitle">Based on %1$s</string>
<string name="overdraft_fee_breakdown_daily_fee_item_title">%1$s of fixed fees</string>
<string name="overdraft_fee_breakdown_interest_item_subtitle">Based on %1$s EAR</string>
<string name="overdraft_fee_breakdown_interest_positive_title">%1$s of interests</string>
<string name="overdraft_fee_breakdown_interest_zero_title">Overdrawn for 0 days</string>
<string name="overdraft_fee_breakdown_title">Cost breakdown for %1$s</string>
<string name="overdraft_limit_a_day">%1$s a day</string>
<string name="overdraft_pending_fee_interest_overdrawn">We’ll charge you %1$s EAR only for the days you’re overdrawn.</string>
Seperate Monzo savings account (Pot)?
<string name="save_with_monzo_description">Save with your mind at ease. Your money is protected up to £85,000 by the FSCS (in addition to your Current Account).</string>
<string name="save_with_monzo_title">Save with Monzo</string>
<string name="savings_pot_name">Savings Pot name</string>
<string name="shared_tab_delete_participant_content_description">Delete</string>
<string name="shared_tab_split_bill_edit">Edit</string>
<string name="shared_tab_split_bill_edit_complete">Done</string>
<string name="split_bill_delete_participant_content_description">Delete</string>
<string name="split_bill_edit">Edit</string>
<string name="split_bill_edit_complete">Done</string>
New Deep Links:
None of these links work for me yet: