Monzo for Android - Teardowns & Deep Dives 👨‍💻

Many thanks to @kolok! :raised_hands: Wouldn’t have had this info without your help :sunglasses:

<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_OakNorth_2019_03_12_ISA" value="true" />
<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_OakNorth_2019_04_02_Fixed" value="false" />
<boolean name="savings_issue_enabled_OakNorth_2019_03_28_Fixed" value="false" />

<boolean name="octopus_energy_api_account_creation_force_enabled" value="false" />

<boolean name="7_k_loans_enabled" value="false" />

<boolean name="monzo_v3_enabled" value="false" />

<boolean name="new_fixed_savings_description" value="true" />

I was unable to perform a direct diff (for reasons :joy:) but here’s what I’ve spotted whilst skimming through the feature_flags.xml that I was given :smiley:

Looks like the OakNorth integration was a bit painful :sweat_smile: Glad to see it’s all been resolved now though :blush:

It looks like Monzo might be investigating larger loans :eyes: Up to £7k, if I were to hazard a guess :wink:

I’ve got no idea what Monzo V3 is :eyes: I’m sure we’ll find out soon :yum: