Meet the next generation: Monzo for Under 16s 🎉

Vending machines! Luxury! When we wasted our dinner money on sweets they were weighed out on the scales


Haha! Yeah I was at school when the whole Jamie Oliver thing came in. Ended up replacing the canteen for 3 Boost bars from the vending machine daily for 4 years straight. I now run lots of marathons to try and make up for those years….

Nice. Any marathons of note? I am just trying to get back into running having not ran anything exciting in nearly 10 years

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Next one is San Francisco in a couple of weeks, never done it before but looks hilly and slow.


I mean they’re playing the long game, if you only ever knew of Monzo for banking as a kid and they send you a message offering you a full current account you’ll probably just stick at it

Most people just stick with the current account their parents helped them open


Maybe he might, just by accident of course, lose his neon card. Completely coincidentally, it might later turn up and somehow be found in your card collection. With no idea of how it got there, of course. Not that I’m suggesting anything….

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This looks good, what about API access for these accounts? Can we access the account data from a home automation platform for example to give a cashless reward for chores etc?


RIP Go Henry & possibly Rooster Money,but I think NatWest will be able to take the hit,not so sure about Go Henry


Will children be able to add their card to Apple Pay?

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I wonder if you can activate a neon card against a non child account and give the child the coral card :stuck_out_tongue:

Or Google Pay?


Brilliant, my 12 year old son is excited for this, mainly because he has a Nationwide account, and the pending transactions throw’s both him and me off.

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My child has a Nationwide account and always uses Apple Pay. I think they’ve l forgotten that the account even has a physical card :sweat_smile:. So I think Apple Pay support will be a must to get them to switch.


The cyclical sales tactic for the win. I feel it is an unspoken benefit…

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Just to say I heard apple requires the user to be over 13 for Apple Pay.

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Youngest has decided on the yellow card


Fantastic! Been wanting this for so long, I have a starling account for only one purpose and this will make life much easier!

This was the case with our situation. Youngest JrW turned 14 at the start of July and boom :boom: - Apple Pay available.

So we killed off the Algbra card we were using for him and added a Monzo VC to Apple Pay like we did for the older JrW a few years ago. All happier but all he can do is blindly spend. The Young Monzo account will fix this perfectly.

We’re on track to be #FullFamilyMonzo at this point: 2x Adult Personals, 1x Joint Account, 1x 16-17 account, Savings, Investments, Flex and soon a 6-15 account.

What do we win?


If Mastercard goes down? A headache as no visa back up :rofl:

But then my kids would be in same boat :+1:


I don’t think so. Nationwide has an account you can open when your child is 11 and it has Apple Pay (which mine has been using).

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